



You can watch coaching announcement to understand what to expect better - Student's success - It's highly recommended to complete preparation course, before booking your first session to get most out of the live session: In-Depth Aiming course - In-Depth Movement course - I am Radiant player with large competitive experience. Have experience versus top 25 european teams( rating). 4 years IGL experience from different competitive disciplines. 6k hours in FPS games(Point Blank. CS GO. Valorant). Playing Valorant since closed Beta. What Does the Session Involve? The session is packed with things involving Optimal Settings and Crosshair/Sensitivity Live Gameplay Analysis Agent Tips Competitive Tips to Maximize Elo Gain Gameplay Tips Aim Routine/Tips Point Out Main Flaws Holding you Back Tell You how to Improve Aim Training: As a grandmaster(top 0.1% flicking) in AimLabs I am very knowledgeable about the current aim training meta and most efficient routines. I can teach you tricks i've learnt from top aimers combined with game specific Valorant to turn your aim into a Pro level! Team Training: As a competitive player and IGL I will run your teams through meta strategies and unique perspectives I've taken from Tier 1 teams and my own experiences Continuous Support: Still not convinced? With my continuous support after the coaching you can receive instant responses to any questions and receive personalized tips/tricks.

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Aiming mini course

This is gonna be an access to first 3 lessons of my Radiant Mechanics video course. You'll learn how to master your aiming and increase your flicking speed by 15% in 5 days. Low/Mid elo students(iron-diamond) who passes this course, rank up by 2-3 divisions in first week.

1 Session 1 hour
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2 hours of live coaching session

I will inspect your mechanical skills - aim, movement. We ll define your weaknesses and I'm gonna tell you how to fix them in short period of time.

1 Session 2 hours
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Fix your raw aim mechanics - 3 lessons mini VIDEO course.

90% of players from Gold to Radiant are making same mechanics mistake. And we always spend first lesson fixing them. In this course you'll fix main aim and movement mistakes, to prepare for your live coaching session. So you can use your time and budget in more efficient way. * NOT A LIVE SESSION

1 Session 30 mins
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Live coaching session

Comprehensive live coaching session. We'll find your weaknesses and we'll immediatedly fix them. Or you can ask how to fix any issues you have in game and we'll focus on it. Strongly recommend to book 2 of this.

1 Session 1 hour
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Free introduction

I'll provide you with information about coaching format, will answer on few of your questions. So you can decide if coaching sessions are gonna be useful for you

1 Session 30 mins
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Analyse your VOD. We'll find your weak points and fix them

Will find your mistakes and will tell you how to fix them

1 Session 1 hour
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Get Desired rank or get money back

2 Lessons + extra unlimited lessons until you get your desired rank. Pricing: - from Iron to Diamond - $90 For each 3 ranks - from Diamond 1 to Radiant - 90$ for each 2 ranks

3 Sessions 3 hours
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Advanced full training course

Full Valorant course of 9 lessons which include almost everything to get better in Valorant in fastest ways possible. People who participated in this course, went from silver 2 to immortal 2 and have been signed in PRO teams with a contracts. This course will help low/mid elo players up their rank to immortal/ascendant level. For high elo players(immortal+) it will help to reach Radiant level knowledge and polish mechanics to PRO level.

9 Sessions 9 hours
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VIP coaching full course with extended session time+5 replay reviews

Advanced full training course with extended coaching time 1=>3 hours

2 Sessions 6 hours
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Base training plan

We will inspect your mechanical skills. I ll help you fix your weaknesses that hold you back from ranking up. Then we ll find your lack of knowledge in other game aspects: - peeking - map control - advanced crosshair placement - gamesense - decision making - playing clutches - correct ways to trade teammates - utility trading - and lot more After we define what you need to work on, we ll fill the gap with theory and practice exercises. Recommended if your rank is lower than mid immortal(<200-300rr)

3 Sessions 3 hours

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