



Hey, im Opticalz. I am a semi-professional ROCKET LEAGUE player that has dabbled in art of coaching! I have helped various different players reach their goals. Would you like help on how to hit the mechanic you have always wanted to hit? Get the rank you believe you should be? Well then, go ahead and book a session, I would love to get to know you! Here's an invite link to my private server for presets: https://discord.gg/ZpRs8B6YnK ; my server for coaching: https://discord.gg/6YvwhKcChm I am currently doing my A-Levels(college for non-British players). I have experience playing competitively for over 3+ years combined with 4 years of freestyling experience. I have coached many teams of all ranks and players of all levels develop into ultra-successful, complete players professionally! (Unranked-Pro Level). I firstly started coaching some players and some close friends and quickly became addicted to seeing the happiness people get when they reach their goal. I'm very hardworking and will probably force you to play xd. My community has grown exponentially and many of my members enjoy spending time together, why dont you become one of them! Head to my vouches to get a further insight with players that i have previously coached. I have got a few videos uploaded to my youtube channel in which you can view my skill in Rocket League. I hope to upload more tutorials! → https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQqlZtQdQI-0IBfTi3LqjBQ If you would like to see some examples of coaching styles. Just add my Discord (Opticalz#4249) and drop me a message! In my sessions I cover everything you need to eventually play at the professional level, here's a short list of some of the usual concepts i cover within my lessons! → Playstyle Development (Developing your own unique playstyle in the game) → Mechanics (Skills, Movement) → Rotation (Becoming a good Teammate) → Positioning (Becoming the most useful player on the pitch) → Decision Making (what to do in what position) → Communication (How to provide information the best way) → How to lead a team (Developing as a leader and taking control) → Healthy Mentality (How to deal with tilting and improving your mental) → 6mans (How to use it effectively) → Transitioning into a pro (How to start finding teams, scrims and getting your name out there)

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