



MTG Coach, I specialize in coaching MTG players to improve their game, I have multiple testimonials of players who have benefited from my coaching sessions. MTG related achievements 2x Back to Back County champion 3x Back to Back to Back County finalist Former PTQ/GP & National Grinder MTG Streamer/Content Creator MTG coach

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Free Consultation

This is a 100% free consultation to discuss what you are looking for and wether you feel you will benefit from my coaching sessions.

1 Session 30 mins
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Deck Building Session

This session gives you one hour with me we go over your deck or how best to attack a specific meta. This includes one match review.

1 Session 1 hour
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Sealed Deck - Coaching Session

We go over your card pool and select which cards we feel fit into the cards available, this also includes any additional adivce you might need with this, this includes a game review.

1 Session 1 hour
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We go over draft and we go over card selection choosing which cards might suit the deck best, we will play through at least 1 game and will review the draft.

1 Session 1.5 hours
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Bespoke Session

This is go over anything you feel that you would like to discuss, this can be anything form improvement in your game, to anything you need (I do reccomend you order the free consultancy session first) if you are unsure if this will cover it

1 Session 1 hour
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4 In 1 Bulk Session

This is a discount on if you are wanting multiple sessions with me: What you get: 4 Hours of Coaching Discount from 4 separate sessions

4 Sessions 16 hours

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