


Started TFT in Set 4.5 and ended Gold, I am now a Challenger player and first achieved that status in set 6. I had zero league of legends knowledge going into the game and only had what I learned from Hearthstone Battlegrounds as a starting point. I achieved challenger in less than 1000 games, and I say this not to show my in-experience, but as a way of acknowledging how quickly I learned the game of TFT and as a way of showing you my ability to coach. If I can learn the game that quickly, so can you with my help. What you can expect from a coaching session or training plan is peak TFT knowledge about anything and everything. I am an immersed member of the TFT community, I keep tabs on meta builds, patch notes, long term and short term game knowledge specifics, item and unit top4/win % numbers, and even community memes. TFT is the game I have the most fun playing and having the opportunity to share what I know about the game I love, pushes me to provide the best coaching with the best results. What I specialize in: - positioning - unit, augment, and item knowledge - bench management - econ management - long-term game plans - mental stability Favorite TFT streamers: - Kiyoon - Hyunter - Hafu

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