


Hi, my name is Christopher Troeh. I'm a multi-season master/grandmaster League of Legends player with staff experience on the LCS level. I have worked as both a coach and an analyst for years, helping to refine some of the best players in North America and further develop their skills and understanding of the game. Outside of League I have a B.S. in Biological Sciences. I've took my leave from LCS in order to attend medical school, and pursue a future as a physician. I still have a passion for League of Legends since I've spent years playing the game, and it's still a lot of fun to be competitive. Primarily I play mid, but I've played each role at around a masters level. I love playing strange champions that no one else plays-- when I was 13, when I first hit Diamond, I was a Zyra mid one trick. Since then I've moved onto other champions like Vel'koz, and more conventional ones like Syndra, Cassiopeia, Azir. I've played against the top of amateur competition in the past, including against notable players like Tactical, Evolved, and Jenkins. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me at Prussian#3652.

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