Session cover image
8 Sessions 8 hours $100

Custom for Rykic

This plan will also include a fully custom and personalized warmup + practice routine. Student VIP access to my academy discord server A private discord server that only you and I will be in where I will assign tasks, homework, progress updates, and so much more As well as quick responses/feedback from me, anytime between 11:00AM - 3:00am every day! (yes my sleep schedule is bad I know.)

Sessions Overview


1 hour

about a 45 minute session where we will go over mechanics; peaking, positioning, shooting, movement, crosshair placement, gun fight skills, and more!

agent teaching

1 hour

either expand your agent pool or master one agent, whichever you prefer/are at in the game.


1 hour

Assessment session,

vod review

1 hour

prepare a vod for this session (vod means full gameplay) we will watch over it and review together, live

progress from vod review (update/teach)

1 hour

quick 30 minute session where we go over your progress since the vod review and how you've been doing since it. what things you should continue improving and working on and the things that you've gotten down since then.

pro vod review

1 hour

similar to the previous vod review, however this time we will do it with a pro players gameplay who plays the same agent as you. fully directing them and their gameplay and all that goes on.

drilling/teammate prac

1 hour

we will go into a custom and practice dry running real game situations revolving around you and your agent

vod review #2

1 hour

Welcome to the Big Leagues

Congrats on going Pro! You now have the ability to offer paid sessions, groups, and guides. You also get access to The Handbook and even more resources to help you grow your business into the powerhouse we know it can be.