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5 Sessions 5 hours $60

Get me out Diamond (50% OFF) Pre-Advanced Course⭐

Okay, you're getting somewhere. You can confidently say you are "alright" at Valorant; now, let's step it up EVEN further and learn some pre-advanced techniques and methods to Valorant! This plan will include the following sessions as well as improvement plans, a personal discord server for you featuring EVERYTHING we learn and practice + homework and tasks for you to follow, practice & warmup routines, student-VIP access to my academy server (join here, and all the benefits that come with the server!

Sessions Overview

👤 Agent Advanced Learning

1 hour

By now, you should have some agents you can confidently play... Let's get them DOWN and truly learn how to play them to the best of your ability. Learn some tips and tricks, some cringe things you can do in ranked and more!

🕹 Mechanics

1 hour

Let's get down to the main mechanical skills used in Valorant. We'll cover it all and get it all down!

📝 Pro Vod Review

1 hour

Let's look at some great examples of what we SHOULD be doing. We'll find a vod of a professional player that specializes in your agent/agent pool and we'll take some notes and learn from them!

🧠 Gamesense

1 hour

Let's talk game sense; map control, adaptability, anti-strating, rotating, map awareness, team play, coordination, utility usage, utility timings, communication, and more!

📝 Personal Vod Review

1 hour

Now, let's review a vod of yours, and see what mistakes and flaws you have in your gameplay!

Welcome to the Big Leagues

Congrats on going Pro! You now have the ability to offer paid sessions, groups, and guides. You also get access to The Handbook and even more resources to help you grow your business into the powerhouse we know it can be.