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6 Sessions 6 hours $80

Get me out of Ascendant (42.8% OFF) Advanced Course⭐

Okay, you are good at Valorant, but now you want to be f***ing amazing; let's do it! This plan will include the following sessions as well as improvement plans, a personal discord server for you featuring EVERYTHING we learn and practice + homework and tasks for you to follow, practice & warmup routines, student-VIP access to my academy server (join here, and all the benefits that come with the server!

Sessions Overview

👤 Agent perfecting

1 hour

Let's perfect your agent pool and become fantastic at our selective agents and be able to confidently lock in and play!

🕹 Mechanics Refresh + Gun fight specialization

1 hour

You probably have a solid understanding of your mechanics and how to do things properly... we'll briefly go over them, though, and clean up/learn some things you may not be doing. Along with this, we will talk about advanced movement and gunfight skills that you can use to get leverage on any gunfight you take in Valorant!

📝 Valorant Breakdown

1 hour

Let's break down how teams play Valorant and then talk about how we can incorporate what we learned into our ranked games, regardless if we have a cooperating team or not!

🧠 Advanced Concepts + Gamesense

1 hour

Let's do some deep learning about Valorant and look at some detailed and intercut thinking techniques and processes you need to be taking into account when playing ranked in order to gain leverage on your opponents. We will also cover topics like map control, map awareness, team play, communication, all that good stuff.

📝 Personal Vod Review

1 hour

We've learned a lot, and come a long way; now let's watch some of your gameplay and touch up some of the aspects you still struggle with, and clean up your gameplay!

🌟 Ranked Guide

1 hour

You probably have many situations in Ranked where you feel desperate, like your teammates are the issue, and don't know what you can do. Thankfully, we'll talk about how to play ranked and had it varies from an actual team-based Valorant. How to deal with randoms throwing, no comming, etc.

Welcome to the Big Leagues

Congrats on going Pro! You now have the ability to offer paid sessions, groups, and guides. You also get access to The Handbook and even more resources to help you grow your business into the powerhouse we know it can be.