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4 Sessions 4 hours $55

Get me out of Platinum (45% OFF) Intermediate Course ⭐

You're decent at the game but not the greatest. Let's turn that decent into great and take a step into the next level of Valorant! ⭐ This plan will include the following sessions as well as improvement plans, a personal discord server for you featuring EVERYTHING we learn and practice + homework and tasks for you to follow, practice & warmup routines, student-VIP access to my academy server (join here, and all the benefits that come with the server!

Sessions Overview

👤 Agent Consultation

1 hour

Let's pick an agent or a few and get great at them. Learn some great tricks and techniques with them, and become well trained with our agent pool!

🧠 Gamesense

1 hour

Let's talk game sense; map control, adaptability, anti-strating, rotating, map awareness, team play, coordination, utility usage, utility timings, communication, and more!

📝 Pro Vod Review

1 hour

Let's watch a professional player and take some notes. Dissect their play style, their decision-making, their communication, and more! We'll use everything we learn and apply it to your games!

🕹 Mechanics

1 hour

You probably have the basics done by now... I would hope. But let's learn so more intermediate/pre-advanced techniques and clean up your gun fight and mechanical skills!

Welcome to the Big Leagues

Congrats on going Pro! You now have the ability to offer paid sessions, groups, and guides. You also get access to The Handbook and even more resources to help you grow your business into the powerhouse we know it can be.