



My name's Ray and I'm a Zelda player from Texas! One of the only Zelda's to ever top 16 a major, if you're looking to tap into a more aggressive playstyle with Zelda and utilize her trapping capabilities, I can help! I've coached many players ranging from Zelda players to non-Zelda players, and of a wide range of skill levels. With a primary focus on punish game and other ways to make Zelda feel like she can hit like a heavy, getting a new perspective alongside the traditional Zelda playstyle can help push you to the next level! Alternatively, if you're looking how to BEAT Zelda and ways to exploit her weaknesses, I'm ready to help with that too!

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VOD Analysis

1 Session 1 hour
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1 on 1 Coaching

1 hour of online games + notes and an analysis during and after the sssion.

1 Session 1 hour
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Live VOD Review

We will sit in a call and watch the VOD together, with a much more in depth analysis and live questions we can discuss together.

1 Session 1 hour
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Learning the Zelda Matchup

Tired of losing to your local Zelda? Regardless of who they may be I'll teach you how to make her one of your favorite matchups!

4 Sessions 4 hours
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Displacement Master Class

I will teach you how to displace phantom! Whether you play on Gamecube controller, Pro Controller, Joycons, I'll be able to help you learn how to do it consistently and implementation!

3 Sessions 3 hours
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Zelda Advantage State

3 Sessions 3 hours

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