



My accomplishments are as follows: 1300 LP+, Rank #1 in NA on stat websites with multiple champions (Rengar, Wukong, Kayn), played in Worlds Champions Queue in 2022 with world-famous players, coaching privately since 2019, and years of experience in Collegiate and Amateur environments scrimmaging against Academy teams as player and coach. If you want to personally reach out my discord is rege#6221 or 'regedice'

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Free Introduction

We spend this time talking about general league struggles and possible solutions with new perspectives... get an idea of what you're in for! 👍

1 Session 30 mins
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Regular 1-on-1 (Jungle Masterclass)

--We'll be going into concepts such as tempo, urgency, volatility, frameworks for general matchups, mental blocks, clear speeds, expectations, what you should be thinking about, and more regarding jungle pathing and how to put all 5 of your teammates on your back. --Furthermore, we'll go into philosophies, long-term errors and discrepancies in gameplay, macro, "silent killers" regarding why you can't climb, how to play (early, middle, and late game) the map, and more. Warning: Typically my sessions go a little over time hour, so keep your schedule open in case you want to keep going/schedule more hours on the spot.

1 Session 1.5 hours
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Regular 1-on-1 (top/mid/adc/supp)

--We'll be going into concepts such as tempo, urgency, volatility, frameworks for general matchups, mental blocks, trading patterns, expectations, what you should be thinking about, and more regarding how to execute on your job ingame and how to put all 5 of your teammates on your back. --Furthermore, we'll go into philosophies, long-term errors and discrepancies in gameplay, macro, "silent killers" regarding why you can't climb, how to play (early, middle, and late game) the map, and more. Warning: Typically my sessions go a little over time, so keep your schedule open in case you want to keep going/schedule more hours on the spot.

1 Session 1 hour
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Aggregating Statistics with Expected Win Rates

This lesson will be looking at what you should be expecting when climbing, the exact why making new accounts isn't always the best idea with riots MMR system, and proper benchmarks of improvement you can use to monitor your improvement.

1 Session 30 mins
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Team coaching

This session is a full vod review and catered tips for every role and rotation strategy. I'll be going into team psychology and dynamics regarding to how you guys function as a hive mind (if you are at all) with notes of overall errors, individual errors that butterfly effect into huge issues, and in-game tempo markers the group should be collaborating to execute on together. I can do draft as well, but I'd like to let the team run their course so I can pick apart their thought processes.

1 Session 1.5 hours
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Duo Coaching

The content will be similar to a regular 1-on-1 with an adapted style to include playing in groups of two. The game becomes different as often times Riot will match you against a duo, so different needs and playstyles are rewarded in contrast to how you would in SoloQ. For example, top+jg duo is different from a supp+jg duo. How? I'll talk more about that once you become my client. :)

1 Session 1.5 hours
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Offline VOD Review

This is similar to a 1-on-1 session in terms of content, but I won't be immediately present to answer any of your questions or gauge your interpretation of my feedback. Nevertheless, I'll go extremely in-depth into everything I pick up on including a video walking through my notes. I'll spend 2~ hours on each match.

1 Session 1 hour
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Training Regimen to Master Any Champ/Lane

Everything in League can be broken down into concepts. It's within those concepts that you build your game knowledge and expand upon your understanding of game theory. Thankfully, game theory almost never changes. With this in mind, I'll be able to teach you what you need to know regarding complete mastery of anything about this game.

3 Sessions 3 hours
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How to climb in Masters+

I believe that Masters+ is the beginning to high elo. As a result, what it takes to climb is much different than what you needed to iron out to get there in the first place.

6 Sessions 9 hours
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How to climb to Diamond+

I believe that you can get to diamond with the basics and consistency. In this training plan, I'll teach you the fundamentals of the game that will skyrocket you out of your elo.

6 Sessions 6 hours
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The Best Philosophy for Climbing

In this plan, I'll be analyzing your tool box to equip you with all the mental necessities required to climb to any elo. Much of League of Legends comes down to mental, so you never want to be at the losing end in the long-term or the short term because of your own short comings.

3 Sessions 3 hours

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