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Pokémon TCG

Remi's Path to Worlds

Follow along and be a part of my journey to the world championships.

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Supporter Tiers

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Support Remi Lorenz, join a community of like-minded members, and receive exclusive posts and benefits.

    Deck List & Raffle Access

    Tier Cover Image
    $3.00 / month
    1 remaining

    Support me and the upcoming pokemon season! Get access to any of my decks and ask me anything you want related to them. Be a part of my raffles for IC and Worlds exclusive competitor gear after every major event.

    Exclusive benefits

    • Exclusive access to 1 channel and 1 post

    Face the Champion

    Tier Cover Image
    $8.00 / month

    -Game Showdown: Compete in a match on ptcgl of your choosing -Strategy Help: Receive guidance on refining your deck or discovering matchup strategies. -Discord Access: Join our bi-weekly parent-kid tournaments.

    Remi Makes You Sweat

    Tier Cover Image
    $15.00 / month

    -Personalized Video: One-time use, 1-2 minute video shout-out for your friend. -Roast or Praise: One-time use, Roll a dice to get roasted or praised on X! -Discord Access: Participate in our bi-weekly parent-kid tournaments.

    Recommended tier

    Turn Your Kid into a Champion

    Tier Cover Image
    $25.00 / month

    -Monthly Mentoring: One hour of personalized mentoring with Remi and Jon to elevate your poke parenting skills. -Exclusive Discord Access: Join our bi-weekly parent-kid tournaments. -Deck Lists: Access to curated deck lists that Remi and Jon developed together.

About me

Meet your Community host


Remi Lorenz


About me

With over 5 years in competitive pokemon tcg, 2 International championship wins and countless top 8 finishes.

  • Location EDT
  • Joined

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