


Let's finally climb that ladder! Hello, my name is Nikola known as ReStanke. Every coaching session is different and i would love to go through your climbing journey with you! I have been hardstuck, i had losing streaks and i know how it all feels, it sucks. Lets put an end to it. Lets get you to the rank you really deserve, its easier then you think! Looking forward to helping you out, lets climb together and become botlane experts! I also cover other roles to climbing up until Diamond 2! An overview of some of the topics we can discuss : Macro - Map awareness, Rotations, Roaming, Team fight approach, Win conditions... Mechanical - 1v1, Lane phase, trade timings... Mental - Efficient practice, goal setting, dealing with tilt...

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Support pack! Lets improve 2-4 divisions.

What to expect from packs: Taking consistent coaching sessions will improve your rank. Choosing to commit to improve is the biggest step you have to take, the rest comes with us working on it together! We will in depth into fixing your bad habits, 5 sessions give us time to do that. Also we will focus on improving consistent gameplay, making the right decisions and re-working you gameplay so that you can focus on your strenghts as much as possible while getting rid of weaknesses. Lifetime discord access: Where you will be able to ask questions and receive answers asap! You will also receive recordings of the session so that you can re-watch and focus on everything we talked about.

5 Sessions 5 hours
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Lets look at those basics!

Movement, macro, laning, etc....All of those make a great player. Here we will put some effort into improving what makes the biggest part of League of Legends, and that is Basics!! What we will do: We will go into voicechat and you will stream a replay file you have recorded, there we will cover movement, decision-making, macro, laning etc. A deep dive into what makes you as a player unique, what your strenghts are and what we can still improve. Lifetime Discord access: Join my exclusive Discord server with lifetime access where you can expect questions to be answered almost anytime. Replay of the Session: Receive a full recording of our coaching session to revisit our discussion and improve continuously.

1 Session 1 hour
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Watch me play!

A session where you can watch me play live on discord, and ask all the questions you want in regards to gameplay, decision making details etc.. I will be also explaining my though process live during the game, and we will look at a breakdown of the key moments that won or lost us that game. Hope to talk to you soon! :)

1 Session 1 hour
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How to climb as a support!

In depth coaching how to climb as a support. We will go into role specific analysis, covering macro, rotations, timers etc. This is a all encompassing coaching session focused on purely maximizing your climb potential as a support player. Matchups, itemization and the current meta will be disscused as well. Replay of the Session: Receive a full recording of our coaching session to revisit our discussion and improve continuously. Lifetime Discord Access: Join my exclusive Discord server with lifetime access where you can expect your questions to be answered asap

1 Session 1 hour

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