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Rocket League
Rocket League
4 Sessions 4 hours $30

-- FOR GOLD OR LOWER RANKED PLAYERS -- Are you (relatively) new to the game? Do you want to rank up efficiently without spending thousands of hours? Improve your completely messed up sleep schedule? Well, I cannot help you with that last part. But the other two are right up my sleeve! In this bootcamp I will give you the foundation required to go from beginner to destroyer of Platinums ( or higher? ). I will guide you through the basics of Rocket League and give you a structured plan to get up to speed ASAP! You will be carrying your Champion friends in no time!

Sessions Overview

Session 2: Mechanics

1 hour

During this session we will focus on the fundamental mechanics needed for you to rank up. Because it's gonna be hard to rank up if you can't even score, right? Think about dribbles, basic shots, accuracy, defending, aerials, all the good stuff.

Session 1: Introduction and analysis

1 hour

In this first session I will analyse your gameplay to get a feel for your playstyle. This will help me gauge your skillset and give you an effective training routine. At the end I will give you a set of drills to work on until your next session.

Session 3: Gamesense

1 hour

Now that we have your mechanics up to speed (or at least laid the foundation for it), we can focus on the second key component to ranking up: gamesense! Rotations, strategy, positioning, boost management... These are the things we will talk about and help you work on.

Session 4: Recap, next steps, graduation!

1 hour

Congratulations! If you have put in the training like I told you to do (effort, ugh.. I know) you will now have a solid foundation to rank up! During this final session we will look at 1 or 2 of your ranked games and analyse them to see how you have been applying the things you've learned in your games. Based on this replay, I will give you a new training routine that you can keep training with even after the bootcamp! See you in Champion!

Welcome to the Big Leagues

Congrats on going Pro! You now have the ability to offer paid sessions, groups, and guides. You also get access to The Handbook and even more resources to help you grow your business into the powerhouse we know it can be.