Session cover image

Season Ultimate Training (15% off) - 30 hours

League of Legends
League of Legends
15 Sessions 30 hours $890

This is THE ultimate coaching plan for those who really want be the BEST. Reach your dream rank, Platinum, Diamond or Master with this guide. We will cover all aspects of the game. You will understand the game at a pro player level, as well as know how to use this to climb at every rank. You'll be able to watch pro games around the world and understand the reasoning why pro teams and players make decisions that they do, knowing this you'll be able to teach yourself by understanding how a pro thinks The benefit of a training plan is that you can message me anytime between our sessions with any questions you have! Sessions will include: -VOD review where I will share my screen on Discord and watch back some of your games - Live matches where you will share your screen and play while I coach you through a game! *When you take a training plan it allows us to be super flexible, meaning I'm happy to split our sessions in two 1 hour sessions, or even end a session early and add the remaining time we had onto our next session when we're at a good point to end early, whatever will help you learn the most we can do! *Training plans DO NOT have an expiration date and lessons can be taken at any time, at your own pace.

Sessions Overview

2 hour ultimate session

2 hours

2 hour ultimate session

2 hours

2 hour ultimate session

2 hours

2 hour ultimate session

2 hours

2 hour ultimate session

2 hours

2 hour ultimate session

2 hours

2 hour ultimate session

2 hours

2 hour ultimate session

2 hours

2 hour ultimate session

2 hours

2 hour ultimate session

2 hours

2 hour ultimate session

2 hours

2 hour ultimate session

2 hours

2 hour ultimate session

2 hours

2 hour ultimate session

2 hours

2 hour ultimate session

2 hours

Welcome to the Big Leagues

Congrats on going Pro! You now have the ability to offer paid sessions, groups, and guides. You also get access to The Handbook and even more resources to help you grow your business into the powerhouse we know it can be.