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Local Prep Bundle!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
4 Sessions 4 hours $80

I go over and above for my players, here I will be with you through the whole process of getting you prepped for your local and even watch your run and be on call for you so that if you need to ask anything before you sit down to compete or after a bracket match. we will make sure you are mentally ready with a strong strategy going in and out of this event and make sure you will be stronger for more locals to come so we can meet your goals!

Sessions Overview

Custom Vod Review.

1 hour

here is pretty much a custom vod review meaning it can be a compare and contrast lesson, breaking down a match up, studying a bracket demon or what ever your specific needs are we will optimize this time to gain as much needed knowledge as we need to make sure your run goes the best it can.

Player Accessment

1 hour

This is where I pretty much find out where you are at currently as a competitor and your nature which helps me form the best possible strategy to optimize are time together getting ready for this event! Bringing vods to this will help a lot if you have any.

Bracket Demons

1 hour

here we specifically break down your bracket demons and form strategies on how to beat them. if you do not have a bracket demon then we can use this time to optimize in other areas.

Mentality check

1 hour

here we talk and work through what ever struggles you may be having as a competitor mentality wise and make sure your going in with the right head space.

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