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Top Captain Falcon player for Super Smash Brothers Melee. Sponsored by beastcoast. Coach since 2014. As a coach, I promise that I am a hard worker and my lessons are 100% catered to your needs as a student. Can teach most characters and have coached people who've played for a few months to veterans of the game. I guarantee that you'll get your money's worth should you decide to invest in my coaching.

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VOD/Replay Review

I'll go over Slippi/ Youtube VODs and write you on average a 2-3 page word document for a bo3/bo5, showing you major/minor mistakes with direct advice on how to fix them. I'll also give you an idea on what to grind on fundamentally to expediate your growth as a player for the long term.

1 Session 1 hour
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1:1 live session

1:1 live session

1 Session 1 hour
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Half Hour Session

30 minutes of live gameplay / VOD review

1 Session 30 mins
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S2J Monthly Training Plan 2 - Road to Top 100

This monthly plan is similar to plan 1. However it is tailored towards people who have a vested interest in tournament level Melee and want to win their locals/ regionals. In addition to what is granted in Plan 1, Plan 2 comes with the added benefit of me telling you everything I know about competitive (sports) psychology, proper mindset to short/ long term improvement as well as the mentality that should be taken during tournament play. Also, I am willing to coach you during your (Slippi) tournament runs, giving you advice on how to beat your current opponents prior to the sets beginning. I will analyze how to beat your usual bracket demons, giving you detailed gameplans on their strengths and exploitable weaknesses. If I do not think I can get you to a much stronger tournament level I will refund the lesson, but I promise that I'll work really hard to get you closer to at least a top 100 melee level.

9 Sessions 9 hours
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S2J Monthly Training Plan 1 For IMPROVEMENT

This training plan is 4 weeks of coaching from me. Overall, this plan is designed to help identify your weaknesses, giving a gameplan in improving overall neutral/ punish, focus on matchup specifics, and also analysis on how to beat your opponents. Note: By week 4 I ask you to enter some tournaments with tournament vods ready to send. Slippi replays of friendlies are OK but not as good.

4 Sessions 4 hours

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