



Heyo, I'm Salzi, I have accumulated about 2k hours in aimtraining reaching the highest rank in Revosect's Aim Lab Benchmarks aswell as reaching VT Astra in the Voltaic , and Im currently rank 6 overall, while being rank 2 in Precise tracking. I'm a Precise Tracking, and Dynamic Clicking main, which I'm also known for in the entire aiming community. Obviously I can also also teach in the other categories just as well. I also play Valorant and have peaked at immortal 3 420rr. For me as a coach, I have a very high understanding of aiming in general, and can also communicate that knowledge very good to less experienced players. I also will not judge anyone who think they are "bad" or "not good", as I personally only judge people who have the desire to improve, and become one of the greats, but don't have the dedication to persue what they want to do. So yeah I hope I see you in a coaching session :)

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Live Aim Coaching

In these 60 minutes I will take a closer look into your aiming technique and find out how to improve it.

1 Session 1 hour
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Vod-Review (Recommended 3+ vods)

Analyzing mistakes in Technique and understanding of aiming aswell as giving detailed description of these. Also recommendation of routines or specific Scenarios. Also I would recommend to book at least 3 VODS so I can better analyze your aim!

1 Session 1 hour
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Vodreview (recommended 3+ vods)

Analyzing mistakes in Technique and understanding of aiming aswell as giving detailed description of these. Also recommendation of routines or specific Scenarios. Also I would recommend to book at least 3 VODS so I can better analyze your aim!

1 Session 1 hour
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1 hour Live Aim Coaching

In these 60 minutes I will take a closer look into your aiming technique and find out how to improve it.

1 Session 1 hour
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Valorant DM-Aim Coaching

Reviewing a Deathmatch game of yours, and giving tips on how to improve aim and movement, inside (Practice Range) and outside (Aimtrainers) the Game. As well as giving you a personalised Aimtraining playlist tailored to your issues in Aiming!

1 Session 1 hour

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