



Hello! My nickname is Sebekx and I'm 27 years old, I'm a Pro League of Legends player. I play this game since Season 1. Last 10 years I've reached Challenger rank on EUW every season, also last year I got Challenger within 2 weeks on Korean Server. My best competetive achivements are: 1st place Ultraliga Season 8 1st place PG Nationals Summer 2021 1st place PG Nationals Spring 2021 2nd place European Masters 2018 Spring Main Event You can check my achivements here: My accounts here: Reaching Challenger on Korean server: I'll share with you knowledge and wisdom I gathered from all of the years I play this game. I will teach you how to become a better player and tell you what is the best approach, if you want to climb in soloQ. I'm able to coach in a lot of different areas such as: - Mental, approach - Macro - Laning phase • Wave managment • CSing • Trading • Reseting • Roams • Warding • Posisioning - Champion choice and knowledge - How to play in mid/late game - Mechanics - Teamfighting - Runes and items choice - Meta understanding - Playing with vision - Match ups I will share with you tips how to treat soloQ to have the highest chance of winning every single game. If you need more information, feel free to DM me!

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League of Legends coaching with your VOD

I'll share with you my knowledge and give you tips how to become better player and get higher rank in soloQ. I will review live vod that you want to share with me.

1 Session 1 hour
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League of Legends live game coaching

I'll share with you my knowledge and give you tips how to become better player and get higher rank in soloQ. I'll do live review and vod review with you.

1 Session 1 hour
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Q&A and Advice on How to Improve and Climb in Solo Queue.

We will have a conversation where you can ask me anything you want: about competetive, soloQ, areas you want to improve etc. If you have no questions, I'll give you advices how to get better and climb in soloQ.

1 Session 30 minutes

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