


13 followers 1 following

Hello, my name is Sgrape. I am a professional brawlhalla player from europe. I live in denmark. I am power ranked 6th ex pr 3, in my region in 1v1. Which means via tournament results i am the 6th best player in europe. with over 15k in earnings. Which you can see on: I play every weapon and i specialise in lance, spear and gauntlets. How can i help you? I will look for what is setting you back, ex. what mistakes you are doing or what you should implement in your style of play. I will teach you the best tools to use for your desired weapon/character, and teach you the aspects / Abilities of your desired weapon/character. For me to be able to help you, you need to listen to me, and not get offended if i say you are doing something wrong. If you dont listen and dont improve because of it, its not my fault. What you might expect in a session. In a session, depending on the duration and or Product you have purchased you cant expect the following. Live Coaching 30-60 minutes. In Live coaching you can expect spars where we view the replays, and or i tell you instantly what you should work on the next game. I highly reccomend voice chat for Live coaching and its what i prefer to give you the best experience. Replay Review. You send me a replay, and we go over it in voice chat thru my screen share. I tell you and point out things that you are doing wrong and what is making you lose/win. 1v1 Spars I spar you in game, for about 30 minutes. Which totals to about 7-11 games of 1v1. at the end of the session i will give you some tips to work on, this is without vc.

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Live Coaching. 30 minutes

This includes, Sparring, Replay reviews and tips. Or 2v2 coaching, where i watch you and ur teammate play ranked and/or watch ur replays (from ranked or tournament)

1 Session 30 mins
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Replay Review

I will review one of your replays, can be ranked 1v1, tournament or ranked 2v2

1 Session 30 mins
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Live Coaching. 1 Hour

This includes, Sparring, Replay reviews and tips. Or 2v2 coaching, where i watch you and ur teammate play ranked and/or watch ur replays (from ranked or tournament)

1 Session 1 hour
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1v1 Spars

In this session of 30 minutes, i will spar you and give you a few tips at the end of the session.

1 Session 30 mins
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Help you get Valhallan

Dm me before buying (Do it!!) I might not have time when you order it. In this Training plan, i will do my absolute best, with all the knowledge i know to get you to Valhallen the max rank. This will require you to take my tips and reccomendations to heart and not take any feedback personal. This training plan will work best for people around Diamond-2200 elo. For valhallen you need top 50-150 in your region depending on your region.

8 Sessions 8 hours
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Help you get Diamond

Dm me before buying (Do it!!) Cause i might not have time atm. In this Training plan, i will do my absolute best, with all the knowledge i know get you to diamond and above. This will require you to take my tips and reccomendations to heart and not take any feedback personal.

4 Sessions 4 hours
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The Basics.

In this plan i will go over the basics of brawlhalla. Neutral, Stage control/edge guarding. and reading.

3 Sessions 3 hours
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Teach You the Meta and Weapon Matchups

In this Plan i will help you learn about the current meta in brawlhalla, and how the different matchups play out.

2 Sessions 2 hours

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