


Hello, my name is Sgrape. I am a professional brawlhalla player from europe. I live in denmark, and i am a pretty chill guy. I am power ranked 3rd in my region in 1v1. Which means via tournament results i am the 3rd best player in europe. with over 12k in earnings. Which you can see on: I play every weapon and i specialise in lance, spear and gauntlets. How can i help you? I will look for what is setting you back, ex. what mistakes you are doing or what you should implement in your style of play. I will teach you the best tools to use for your desired weapon/character, and teach you the aspects / Abilities of your desired weapon/character. For me to be able to help you, you need to listen to me, and not get offended if i say you are doing something wrong. If you dont listen and dont improve because of it, its not my fault. What you might expect in a session. In a session, depending on the duration and or Product you have purchased you cant expect the following. Live Coaching 30-60 minutes. In Live coaching you can expect spars where we view the replays, and or i tell you instantly what you should work on the next game. I highly reccomend voice chat for Live coaching and its what i prefer to give you the best experience. Replay Review. You send me a replay, and we go over it in voice chat thru my screen share. I tell you and point out things that you are doing wrong and what is making you lose/win. 1v1 Spars I spar you in game, for about 30 minutes. Which totals to about 7-11 games of 1v1. at the end of the session i will give you some tips to work on, this is without vc.

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