Shahar Shenhar

Shahar Shenhar



A few of my accomplishments: Winning the World Championship twice on consecutive years. Multiple Top Finishes GP Titles (Both Limited, and Constructed)

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1 on 1 Coaching

If we want more time to work on specific decks, sideboarding, or overall gameplay. I'm here to help you reach you potential and improve at the game.

1 Session 1 hour
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Constructed game play

You and I will play together, and I will walk you through my lines and reasonings, or if you prefer me to suggest plays when I disagree. This lesson entirely depends on the cutomer and their prefrences.

1 Session 30 mins
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Limited, learning how to draft from the basics

In this lesson we will talk about how to prioritize picks, how to choose your colors, and I will walk you through an arena draft. we can extend the lesson if youd like to play, and if I am further available.

1 Session 30 mins
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VOD Review

In this lesson we will review you VOD together and we will discuss clear mistakes, or potentially differerent lines to take and come to the right conclusion together

1 Session 1 hour

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