Session cover image
3 Sessions 3 hours $50

1-month Radiant Aim Training Routine

In this lesson I will be going into depth on what aim training I have used for the past 2 years that helped me rapidly improve from diamond 2 to immortal 3 within a month and then later helped me consistently hit radiant the next act. We will be focusing on Aim Lab, the range, and deathmatch as my aim routine consists of these 3 assets.

Sessions Overview

Range and deathmatch routine

1 hour

In this section I will be going over what routine I designed in the range to help more with in game aim and once we move to deathmatch I will guide you to focus on specific things to help you improve more rapidly then if you just joined a deathmatch to try and win.

Run Down

1 hour

After a month I will meet with you and we can see how much progress you think you have made! Whether or not you want to change things about the aim routine on Aim Lab or in VALORANT we can work together and see if you want to work different tasks into your aim routine.

Aim Lab Routine

1 hour

I will go over all the exercises that I used to help me get to the aim I have today and will give you a custom plan on how to train every day for the next month.

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