



I'm Smuggles and I'm a semi-professional Guilty Gear Strive player. You might have seen me take a couple names at bigger offline events and show up in a few online brackets. Some of my favorite offline tournament results include Top 35 at Frosty Faustings 2022, Top 50 at Evo 2022, and 9th at Dreamhack Atlanta 2022. Going into 2023 I hope to keep pushing myself and achieving better results consistently. I have done a lot of coaching amongst friends and other Strive players over the course of the game's life. I've seen many different playstyles and can understand players' perspectives well. It's very important to understand why someone does things the way they do, so I can help them change in ways beneficial to them. I like to coach in ways that build someone's understanding of core concepts and promotes better problem solving skills. You need to understand why you should or shouldn't do something before your fingers follow suit. Every session will be geared towards solving problems that you experience in real matches, and the process of solving those problems will build up your labbing skills, adaptation, and strategic decision making. A training session isn't a good one if I don't ask you a question you've never thought about before.

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Guided Vod review

1 on 1 call to discuss my methods of squeezing the most from watching your match replays. Analyzing replays you have, I have, or that can be found online. I will mainly be asking questions or prompting you to think of questions to ask yourself. This is how you will reshape your approach to vod review. This is a good session to pair with Learning to Lab in the Personal improvement tools Training plan. It's advised to book multiple sessions of this type so you can learn analysis methods through repeated questioning across various situations.

1 Session 30 mins
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In person Frosty Faustings Coaching

Open ended 30 minutes where we can do anything from playing sets, discussing match up strategy, assessing your bracket run, and more. I will have my personal notes with me and can share them with you electronically.

1 Session 30 mins
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FT5 and Post match Discussion

Relatively Quick set where we play together and I gain some personal insight into your play. This can be focused in many different ways, either generalized or a specific match-up. Purchasing multiple sessions gives me more experience against you as a player and will make my advice better. This is the best way to bolster a valuable "Full Personal Training Plan Development" session. The more I know about you, the more I can do for you.

1 Session 1 hour
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Standard Smuggles Vod Review

Offering three perspectives Micro and Macro and What would I do? Learn about small-scale interactions and how to make decisions around them. Taking a step back to identify overarching weaknesses and develop gameplans to lean into strengths with your character and as a player.

1 Session 1 hour
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Match up Deep Dive

A session where we have a call and discuss match ups. Working with you on your strategy and presenting ideas to implement. I'll also share my personal Match up notes and methodologies to give you insight as to how I play the match up and why.

1 Session 1 hour
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Full Personal Training Plan Development

Intensive development and planning session to come up with a personal training regimen. Clearly define your problem areas, a quantity-based and quality-based end goal, step by step road map to achieve those goals, and progress checkpoints. You'll know where to go, how long it will take, and how you get there. I would advise having a few other sessions before purchasing this option, as my familiarity with you as a player will help the process immensely. Giving this live session much more value. If we have no prior experience together I'll send a questionnaire that you can answer to give me something to work with.

1 Session 3 hours
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Learning to Lab

Going through all the functions of the Guilty Gear Strive training mode. Exploring how these tools are commonly used. Best practices to create bot recording sets that help with Execution, Reactions, and Defense. As well as showcasing more advanced ideas if desired.

1 Session 1 hour
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Personal Improvement Tools

This plan is focused on teaching you the tools to take matters into your own hands. Exploring training mode in-depth and flushing out your understanding of such a powerful tool. Then developing your questioning skills to help you learn from replays.

2 Sessions 2 hours
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The Big Kahuna

This plan is my idea of a start to finish full encompassment of how I can elevate your game as a player and leave you with the tools to better yourself afterward without me. This will take time and repetition. The training plan is setup to have staggered iterations of sets, progress check points, and realignments if needed.

12 Sessions 12 hours

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