



I'm Splicx, a competitive VALORANT player from the US. In the last two months, I have helped 100+ players rank up and you can find the results/testimonials from some of my students in my discord server here: https://discord.gg/skillvalorant From where I started in as an Iron 1, I have made a lot of progress peaking 520rr and consistently holding high Immortal 3. I specialize in Duelists such as Jett/Reyna/Neon/Raze but I can provide great knowledge on how every agent should be played at every level. I'm ready to help you get to your desired skill level & can quickly get fast improvement out of people by working on lacking fundamentals such as movement, mechanics, thought processes with utility, (rarely) raw aim. I am a Jett main but I play every duelist and give you instruction for any role at a high level. I will try to explain things in a way that will allow you to work on yourself long-term so that you can keep improving outside of our sessions, I will give you concepts & examples to apply next time you play/think about the game. The goal of my coaching is to try to teach you to improve yourself so that you don't need me to reach your goals. Improving is something I'm very familiar with since I went from Iron 1 to Radiant in 4 Episodes. Every step of the way can be confusing but I've been anywhere you are now and I can guide you. Any questions can be directed to my discord: Splicx or feel free to book a free consultation with me below!

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Free Consultation (Not Free Coaching)

In this short consultation, I'll just meet you and get to know you as a person and player. Hopefully, I can get some more details on what kind of player you are so I can help you in the most effective way possible.

1 Session 30 minutes
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1-on-1 Coaching Session

This will be an hour (usually more tbh) of reviewing a VOD/live game and figuring out what weaknesses you have, and devising and using methods to improve your gameplay ASAP. This will include customs, routines, live learning the little things like jump-peeking, etc.

1 Session 1 hour
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Complete Mechanics 1-on-1

You will learn what radiant-level mechanics look like and how to obtain them in 1 hour. I will teach you new concepts and create a routine to help you learn/improve upon them.

1 Session 1 hour
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Team Coaching - Help Your Team Achieve Higher Levels

I will help your team get to a higher level through live scrims or VOD Reviews. I will be able to help your team communicate, adapt, and overall perform better through individual gameplay analysis and analysis over the team's thought process in general

1 Session 1 hour
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VOD Review

This will be a detailed VOD review outlining your successes and failures throughout the game and what I see as strengths and weaknesses in you as a player. I will provide solutions to your common problems and give extra help and questions over on my discord. Additionally, if I can find the opportunity, I'll reach out to you on discord with a training plan so you can improve as quickly as possible.

1 Session 1 hour
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Session Speedrun - Rapid

We're going to speedrun figuring out your weaknesses and creating a routine to improve at them.

1 Session 30 minutes
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Learn RADIANT-level Mechanics

Basically a mechanics bootcamp where we figure out what's going wrong with your mechanics currently and figure out how to solve any issue you have. We'll spend about a month going through movement, crosshair placement, and more. By the end, you'll have extremely high level movement.

4 Sessions 4 hours
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(UNLIMITED) Rank Up Two Entire Divisions (600rr)

We will do weekly sessions and really try to push you to improve as fast as possible. The concept of this training plan is that we'll set a goal together based on what I think we could achieve within the time frame and I will create a full training plan and schedule for your week or day to day. All of my coaching will be catered to your specific weaknesses and I will use my extensive playing experience to prioritize improving on your weaknesses so you improve the fastest and the most. I will create personalized methods or any type of routine just for you.

18 Sessions 18 hours
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Duelist Mastery

I played duelist from Iron 1 to Radiant Elo and I have went through the entire journey you are going through right now. I will be able to teach you the ideas and nuances you need to be a solo carry.

4 Sessions 4 hours

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