



Starting my professional career in CS Source back in 2008, I've quickly made my way up the ladder in multiple titles including CS:S, CS:GO, and Valorant (and kinda Overwatch). Having played other games casually such as HoN, DOTA2, SC2, WC3, Overwatch, PUBG, and more I have taken what I have learned from other games to help myself become a veteran player, a professional, and a better in-game leader and coach. I've won multiple national and international tournaments over the years in different roles ranging from IGL, Primary Awp, Entry Fragger, Lurker, and Secondary Caller. Lessons with me will focus on understanding the game on a tactical level, understanding positioning, decision making, strategy, in-game leading, mid-rounding, defaulting, and all things macro related.

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Initiators 101

This lesson will explain what you need to know about initiators, how to synergize with your teammates, what your goals are on attack and defense, how to get the most out of your kit, timing intervals, and when to rotate

1 Session 1 hour
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Arguing with a teammate about something? Need a fresh pair of eyes on a round? Shoot me over a clip of the entire round (and maybe even the round prior for context!) and I'll give you my unbiased observation about what went down, the clues and tells to look out for, or how to close out a round that should have gone your way!

1 Session 1 hour
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Sentinels 101

With this lesson you will understand your role as a Sentinel and know how your reads, positioning, and info will be enough to win rounds and games for your team without even needing to shoot the enemy! I will discuss: - Different types of setups - When to move your setup - Your role on defense vs attack - Choosing certain sentinels based on map - When to play passive vs aggressive - When to use your utility for yourself vs for your teammates

1 Session 1 hour
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CS:GO VOD Review

Send me over a demo/replay of your CS:GO match and I'll send back detailed notes with timestamps!

1 Session 1 hour
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OPing 101

Want to make the enemy shake in their boots and be afraid to step anywhere? In this lesson, I will explain how to effectively OP and how to understand positioning with the OP, deciding where to start with the OP, rotations, how to counter enemy initiators, how to counter enemy OPers, and more!

1 Session 1 hour
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Hour of anything you want to focus on

Like an escort, you've got me for the hour. Take me to dinner, ask me to do one-on-one private drills, or let's break down a map and how situations play out. The choice is yours! Let's discuss it via chat and if it's something I can manage then we'll get it done!

1 Session 1 hour
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Like an escort, you've got me for the hour. Take me to dinner, ask me to do one-on-one private drills, or let's break down a map and how situations play out. The choice is yours! Let's discuss it via chat and if it's something I can manage then we'll get it done!

1 Session 1 hour
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Controllers 101

Know where to smoke, when to smoke, and how to pay attention to the map with this lesson. I'll explain: - When to do certain types of smokes - How to change your look - Creating pressure with smokes - Playing around defensive smokes - Smoking on retakes/execs/site holds/fakes/defaults

1 Session 1 hour
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Learn how to VOD review

This lesson is to help teach you how to VOD review and what to look for so that you can do it on your own. We will discuss: - What to look for - How to take notes - What questions to ask yourself We will watch a demo/VOD of your choice together, either of yourself or of a pro team, and I will guide you through the interesting and important moments that happened and how to reflect on why they were important moments.

1 Session 1 hour
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IGL 101

In this lesson we will discuss how to approach IGLing, what your job is as an IGL, and creating a foundation so that you can maximize your time and effort in & out of the game

1 Session 1 hour
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Arguing with a teammate about something? Need a fresh pair of eyes on a round? Shoot me over a clip of the entire round (and maybe even the round prior for context!) and I'll give you my unbiased observation about what went down, the clues and tells to look out for, or how to close out a round that should have gone your way!

1 Session 1 hour
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General Replay Review (Ranked/Tournament) [Individual]

Send me your replays and I will take detailed notes outlining things that you did well or that need improvement including: - communication - positioning - decision making - utility usage - crosshair placement My notes will explain the _why_ to all of your questions to get you moving in the right direction and give you a new perspective on the game!

1 Session 1 hour
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Match Review (Tournament) [Team/Individual]

This lesson is geared towards teams that are competing in tournaments. Here you can let me know what you want me to focus on from specific players, IGLing, adapting, creating protocols, giving people individual goals, understanding map dynamics, or all of the above! If you want an individual replay review, choose the general replay review lesson

1 Session 1 hour
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1 Session 1 hour
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CS Hands-On Plan

3 Sessions 3 hours
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Only with consent of course. If you want to get the most out of coaching with ANY coach, you can't do one time lessons and come out the other side being able to remember everything, implement everything, etc. You need to track progress over time and go step by step. In this training plan, we will do three live sessions alternating between VOD reviews so that you can fully absorb everything. This training plan is all-purpose and not agent specific.

6 Sessions 6 hours
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CS Hands-On Plan (Follow up Training)

This is the continuation plan of the CS Hands-On Plan where I've already started with you and we are continuing previous training

2 Sessions 2 hours
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Info Mastery

This lesson will teach you about mastering the Sentinel role and understanding how you can manipulate the info game. We will start with a couple of VOD reviews to gauge where you're at and then personalize some game plans to work on. After you go back out on your own trying to implement what you've learned we will do another VOD review to see what you got down and what you're missing. We'll end with another live session where we'll do the touch-up jobs, the sanding, the caulking, the filling in the holes. We don't want to leave you confused and want you fully prepared and equipped to understand situations on your own!

4 Sessions 4 hours

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