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Master Plan

Halo Infinite
Halo Infinite
6 Sessions 6 hours $120

The Master Plan is for someone who wants to master/surpass the fundamental ideas required to become a professional in Halo. It isn't for everyone, but is here for those that have dreams to become legends in the professional Halo community.

Sessions Overview

Intro Session

1 hour

Here we will review and decide what way of learning will be most effective for you.

Session 2

1 hour

Here we will use the knowledge we have from the intro course, and work according to that. Film review tends to be an effective way to learn.

Session 3

1 hour

This is a session for those dedicated to surpassing pro level. We will be able to take it to the next level and see exponential growth. This stems from the extra time/repetitions the Master Plan entails. As part of the Master Plan, this session will be an extra .5 hours, which is crucial for retaining knowledge.

Session 4

1 hour

By this point, we should have a good idea of the flaws and fundamental aspects of halo you need to most improve on. This session we will target those weaknesses and seek to exploit more weakness we can improve on.

Session 5

1 hour

This is the session for those who want to master their craft. Back to back extended sessions, is intended to increase muscle memory/retention of knowledge. Undergoing extended sessions together with intense but smart repetitions, will help the habits stay long term.

Session 6

1 hour

This is the session for those who want to master their craft. Back to back extended sessions, is intended to increase muscle memory/retention of knowledge. Undergoing extended sessions together with intense but smart repetitions, will help the habits stay long term.

Welcome to the Big Leagues

Congrats on going Pro! You now have the ability to offer paid sessions, groups, and guides. You also get access to The Handbook and even more resources to help you grow your business into the powerhouse we know it can be.