


Howdy, thanks for coming to my page. My name is Thalia and I've been playing P+ competitively since early 2016. I was ranked 39th in the world for 2022 and am currently a top-three player in my region of Massachusetts. I've gotten wins over current top 50 players such as Flarp, Comb, Motobug, Serb, Kendrick, and Suvir over the last year and a half. My current main is Fox but I have taken my local over top other top 50 players with characters including Roy, Sheik, Ganondorf, Marth, and Zero Suit Samus. I've been coaching other people in my general region of New England over the past year and a half. I really enjoyed watching those people improve and have more understanding of what's happening whenever they're playing the game. My favorite experience I've had recently was doing vod analysis for a close friend and having them win their local for the first time a few weeks later, it felt really amazing to be part of the reason for their success and improvement. As a coach, my goal is to equip you to understand the interactions that are happening in your sets. I want to give you the tools to break down a situation and understand why you got hit and what you can do differently to avoid getting hit next time. We'll look at your neutral, advantage, and disadvantage through a critical lens but I really want you to come away feeling as though you'll eventually be able to do vod analysis effectively by yourself. Don't be shy, book a session and we can get started right away :)

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