


Back to Back Freestyle Champion, CRL Fall 2022 Elite, 6x SSL Top 100 threes and twos player (Season 6-7) Ready to show anyone how to become a freestyler, or a good overall competitive player!

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Improve Your Aerial Car Control!

I will teach you how to perfect your car control in the air! This is the main struggle for most people that want to become a professional freestyler. I went through it as well! I will give you my personal training packs, as well as workshops (if you have access) to ultimately help your training experience.

1 Session 1 hour
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Improve Your Ground Control and Dribbles!

I will teach you the fundamentals of recoveries, dribbling, fast turns and overall grounded speed to improve your game!

1 Session 1 hour
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Learn A Freestyle Mechanic!

Any mechanic you want to learn. For freestyle or ranked, I will help you learn, and ultimately PERFECT it.

1 Session 30 mins
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Ranked Replay Review

PC ONLY! DOES NOT MATTER WHAT RANK YOU ARE!!! Go over one of your very own ranked replays! Tips will be given on how to improve the fundamentals of the game; Speed, rotations, boost management, and overall team play!

1 Session 1 hour

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