



I like to think with about 19k hours played in this game (Xbox and PC), I might have learned a thing or two! Capably able to work with any of the games many operators, knowing all maps like the back of my hand, and having been the IGL of a completive siege team for over 5 years, I have a passion for sharing my knowledge with anyone that is willing to take it! Whether looking to improve in competitive play or trying to climb the ranked ladder, I am here to help! My lessons are built not only to teach you what angles to hold or where to put your utility. Any YouTube video can show you a clever spot or two. My goal is to teach you how to learn - so you can understand how to find them on your own. Learn how to use destruction optimally use destruction to your advantage. Learn the science of how best to hide Valkyrie Cams. Learn best practices for placing Castle barricades. Understanding the theory behind gadgets and how best to use them is the key to being able to strategize on the fly and see the most improvement.

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Live VOD Review

Lets get into some more detail! Sit down with me and break down a VOD live in a call so we can go deeper into the theory and nitty-gritty details.

1 Session 1 hour
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Let's Get Good

For if you don't know what your problem is, let's just get to the basics. 1 hour of whatever we think will help you out the most!

1 Session 1 hour
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Leadership Training

Learn how to Take Charge In Game and lead your team of victory. Play the game with me and learn through experience what it takes to call the shots for your team. Applicable to leading your Comp team to new heights, or Grinding up the ranked ladder!

1 Session 1 hour
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Lets take some time to talk over how I can help you improve!

1 Session 30 mins
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Team Training

Training for the full stack! Whether looking to climb the ranked ladder or maming your team the best it can be, I'll provide strategic analysis, coordination techniques, and any other tricks needed to take your team to the next level

1 Session 1 hour
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Technique Training

Learn how to use perspective and angles to your advantage, and better learn how to use destruction to play into it.

1 Session 30 mins
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Operator Guides

Learn Any Operator In Depth In-Game With Me! Learn advanced tactics, optimal gadget usage, team combos, or anything else youd like to know!

1 Session 30 mins
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META Strats!

Have a map or bombsite that you cant quite figure out? lets take some time to work a new strategy!

1 Session 30 mins
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VOD Review

Let a retired pro player and current competitive coach break down your gameplay. Whether you're new to the game or a grizzled veteran, I'm happy to help you find a way to improve!

1 Session 1 hour
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SoloQ Science

Learn best practices for how to play the game on your own. Is it great to have a team by your side? Sure is - but sometimes that's just not how it goes! Lets make this work then. Learn what operators and playstyles will best help you climb that ranked ladder!

1 Session 1 hour
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Learn Some New Mains!

Advanced tutorials on operators you want to main!

6 Sessions 3 hours
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Leadership Crash Course

Learn the basics to becoming the ultimate In Game Leader

5 Sessions 5 hours

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