



Hey there! I’m Twist3xd, more commonly known as Twisted. I’ve reached Top 100 nearly every season, have had multiple tourney wins, top 4s, and top 8s including 5th place in UCS NA Feb Finals, and top 8 in UCS NA Regionals. Previously a coach for Rogue, a top 8 contender at NAIC and have worked with other well known North American teams including Spinal, Brave Birders, Oracle, God Squad and more!

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Hang Out!

We can just chill in vc, play some duos, talk about anything non-gameplay related weather its irl advice, how to enter the pro scene, or anything else you’d like :)

1 Session 30 minutes
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1 on 1 Tank Role Coaching

We’ll analyze your gameplay, break down your mistakes and suggest corrections to have more consistency in your games and thus more wins! This lesson will be geared more towards the tank role and so we’ll spend some time going over tank theories and how the role differs and thus should play differently from other roles.

1 Session 1 hour
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1 on 1 Support Role Coaching

We’ll analyze your gameplay, break down your mistakes and suggest corrections to have more consistency in your games and thus more wins! This lesson will be geared more towards the support role and so we’ll spend some time going over support theories and how the role differs and thus should play differently from other roles.

1 Session 1 hour
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5 Stack Macro Review

I’ll spectate up to 2 games or watch up to 2 vods of your choice and break down decision making as a 5 stack. This will include: allocation of resources, role positioning, when to push, when to concede, and much more. You can elect to have the full time in one session or split the 1.5 hours into a review session and a follow-up session.

1 Session 1.5 hours

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