



Hi, I'm Rimvydas, an experienced coach offering top-tier coaching. I've climbed from gold to playing with pros, reaching Challenger in S13. As a versatile player, I excel in multiple roles and champions. My coaching covers gameplay analysis, strategy, and consistent improvement. I'm reachable anytime via Discord (urnilah) and offer comprehensive sessions on climbing, macro/micro play, team fights, and more. I understand the struggle to improve and I'll go the extra mile to help you achieve your dream rank. Try a session with me; you won't be disappointed!

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(ADC Exclusive) All The Way To Diamond!

I'll guide you through my intensive two-month training program, with two sessions each week, and help you improve your LOL skills from the basics, aiming to achieve at least a Diamond/High Plat Level!

27 Sessions 27 hours
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Before you make a purchase, I want to make sure I'm the best fit for you and can help you reach your goals! Sign up for this lesson so we can talk about your goals!

1 Session 30 mins
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(ADC Exclusive) Bootcamp To Success

This Plan Will Include The Following: 1) Draft 2) Think Like A Challenger 3) How To Carry Even If Your Team Is Inting 4) Map Control 5) How To Vod Review Your Games Like I Do!

10 Sessions 20 hours
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(ADC Exclusive) Get Your Desired Rank!

I'll craft a personalized plan, detailing tasks and exercises to address your weaknesses and foster growth. I will support you though out the entire journey!

10 Sessions 10 hours
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(ADC Exclusive) 1:1 live session

I'll mentor you through every gameplay step, teaching winning strategies, dos, and don'ts. Post-game, I'll pinpoint weak areas and advise improvement

1 Session 1 hour
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(ADC Exclusive) VOD Review

I'll mentor you through every gameplay step, teaching winning strategies, dos, and don'ts. I'll pinpoint weak areas and advise improvement!

1 Session 1 hour
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(ADC Exclusive) Weekly Subscription

Get four sessions monthly, one per week, to track progress, target weak points, and achieve your desired goals!

4 Sessions 4 hours
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(ADC Exclusive) Coaching Your Way!

We'll assess your needs and tailor our sessions accordingly!

1 Session 1 hour
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Full Day Exclusive Coaching!

This session offers my undivided attention for the entire day—4 hours tailored to your needs, whether for scrims, meetings, 1-on-1s, vod reviews, presentations, or consulting!

1 Session 4 hours

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