Session cover image

Advanced Strategy- Road to Onyx!

Halo Infinite
Halo Infinite
7 Sessions 7 hours $65

This training plan will give you all the solid fundamentals you will need to reach Onyx.

Sessions Overview

Settings Review (30 mins)

1 hour

In this section of the course, we will 1v1 and I will help tweak your in-game settings to give you the best chance of landing your shots


1 hour

in this short session i will get to know you, your skill level, ambition's so i can tweak the course to best suit your needs. During this time, you can play Some Matchmaking With me. we can play whatever playlist you want, or we can 1v1? it's up to you! I will t also try to give you tips as we play.

VOD Review

1 hour

I will get to know you even more by spotting your biggest leaks in this 30 minute VOD/theatre Review

Mechanics (30 mins)

1 hour

in this session, I will show you all the advantages mastering the mechanics and Sandbox can give you.


1 hour

I will explain to you how spawns work and how you can predict and manipulate spawns to your advantage.

General map Strategy

1 hour

in this session I will explain to you and show you examples of the strategy you should be looking to implement on each map and gametype.

VOD Review 2

1 hour

we will practice everything we have learned. as we will review your gameplay in theater.

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