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Basic Training

Teaching newcomers of Naraka the basic gameplay mechanics. Swing on by! I'd be happy to help anyone and everyone!

1 Session 2 hours
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1 on 1 coaching session

Teaching newcomers of Naraka the basics and knowledge to help improve your gameplay!

1 Session 1.5 hours
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Anyone looking to test themselves against an experienced player has found the right place! I only ask that everyone be respectful to one another.

1 Session 1 hour
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Build Testing

Anyone that may be looking to up their builds in PvE is more than welcome to HMU. Some things can be a little difficult to understand; Especially for newer Destiny players so I'm here to help!

1 Session 1.5 hours
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Showdown Breakdown

For those of you who don't know me already, my in-game name is "WightLycan." I've been playing Naraka for a couple years now on Xbox Series X and still am but I am pretty big on Showdown and was on leaderboards for the Speedrun for a while. I used to coach an entire clan on Showdown so I am very experienced in it and can really get you going if you need the help. Come through! Looking forward to getting some people more into it than they were originally may have been. Also check me out on Twitch! I sometimes stream Showdown as well if you'd like to skill check me on it. Perfectly fine with that.

1 Session 1.5 hours

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