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Rank 1 Malzahar (SAVE 100 $)

League of Legends
League of Legends
9 Sessions 9 hours $287.00

In this plan, I will teach you how to become a great Malzahar player from Scratch in every aspect of the game: ⭐ Get Coached by Expert and Malzahar Enthusiast ⭐ Learn my Methods of Carrying and Climbing as Malzahar ⭐ Get Most Individual Feedback ⭐ Understand Everything in Depth Step-By-Step I'm xblademojo and I created the most educational content for Malzahar on the internet.

Sessions Overview

Itemization & Runes All Possiblites

1 hour

In this part, we will go through Items and Runes. All possible options. You will be able to choose correctly depending on the matchup and game.

How to Lane as Malzahar - All Factors (VOD)

1 hour

After this part, you will know how to behave as Malzahar during Laning Phase. Including all the factors that you must know to be better than your opponent. Examples; Trading, Jungle Tracking, Sustain Differences etc.

Malzahar Combos & Tricks

1 hour

I will show you all the combos & Tricks of Malzahar.

Your Mid / Late Game as Malzahar

1 hour

Live Coaching - You are Ready

1 hour

In this session, we are going to check your progress and do Live Coaching. While I'm watching you play, helping execute everything I taught you. After that, we are going to analyze the game :)

Feedback about your Invidual Situation & Future Steps

1 hour

Final Session. Since I got to know you, I will be able to tell you professional guidance about your future steps. That's individual for every student. Including all the Tips and what to focus on.

Session 8 !

1 hour

Session 9!

1 hour

How to Play Mid / Late - Game (VOD)

1 hour

I will teach you how to be smooth and transition properly into the Mid / Late Game. Including all the Macro

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