



Professional coach for GoNext esports strong focus on macro, fundamentals, and team identity.

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live coaching scrim block

live coaching is one of the best ways to build good habits. by being nudged in the right directions during a game. with a short vod review session after. Only available when i have no other coaching for the day.

1 Session 4 hours
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In depth Macro archetype

Work with your team to build a base plan and framework for your gameplay moving forward.(POI location, POI based macro, composition understanding, on the fly macro adjustments)

1 Session 1 hour
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Team vod review

working on team dynamic, igling, and communication

1 Session 1.5 hours
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IGL analysis and improvement

take an in depth look at a vod of your choosing and decide where you are lacking as an igl. then we will work on improving your macro, micro, or basic igl qualities(decisiveness, planning, game sense, etc) 1on1

1 Session 1 hour
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Team fight analysis(comms, positioning)

work with the players on different facets of there overall team fighting, where they are lacking and how they can improve on it

1 Session 1 hour
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comp/playstlye/poi identity

a big part of this game is the legend comp ,play style, and poi you land at. this plan will help me break down with your team what you wanna play and how to best accomplish that.

1 Session 1 hour
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vod review session

review a vod of your choosing and help with macro and micro mistakes, specific to this vod, and how we can correct them for the future.

1 Session 1 hour

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