Zamuʼs avatar



I started seriously competing in Melee during 2015 and improved quickly. I was first ranked on the 2018 MPGR, and I'm currently top 30 in North America. I have performed well at many tournaments with the most notable being my 1st place finish at Awakening V. I've been coaching off and on since late 2018 and consistently coached students throughout the last year. My main strength as a coach is working with my students to figure out how they best learn so I can figure out how to best teach. People don't all learn the same way, so it doesn't make sense for teachers to always teach in the same way! We'll work together to make a plan specific to you.

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Live 1:1 Coaching

1:1 live session that can be used for whatever you find most helpful (and I'll help you figure that out!). During your first lesson we will take an additional ~15 minutes to talk about what you want out of coaching, your short term and long term Melee goals, and how we can work together to get you there! Generally doing VOD analysis is the most efficient use of the time but we can supplement that with netplay, answering questions, and theorycrafting.

1 Session 1 hour
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30 Minute Netplay Session + Advice

Some people find more benefit from playing a session and talking about it than they do from VOD review. We will play Melee while on a call together and answer questions you have and give you a variety of things to work on. These can be standalone lessons or used to supplement standard hour long lessons. I'm located in Arkansas so connections will be best with MW, EC, but generally my connection with people around the US is solid. If needed, and you want to, we can also play on 3 frame delay if ping is too high.

1 Session 30 mins
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Single Match Review

I will review and annotate one game of Melee for you! To get the most out of this, I'd recommend that when you submit your replay, to please include any questions or specific things you would like me to focus on. No problem at all if you don't have specific things you want me to focus on, I'll pick out what I find to be the most important themes throughout the match and give you concrete advice and specific things to practice.

1 Session 1 hour
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How to: Fox Ditto

This training plan is specifically designed for players looking to improve at the Fox vs Fox matchup! I'm widely regarded as one of the best Fox ditto players in the world and have a lot of knowledge about it that I would love to share! We'll start by giving you a solid foundation to work from and then introduce more complexity to it as your understanding of the matchup improves. This training plan is intended to be done over 4-8 weeks but the timeframe will differ person to person.

3 Sessions 3 hours

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