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Improvement Hub

Looking for a place with others that want to improve just as much as you?

Apex Legends
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    D1zyee's Community
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    D1zyee's Community


    Welcome to D1zyee's Community! This is your place to connect with and learn from D1zyee and like-minded peers. Share opinions, insights, and tips

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    Inhumane E-Sports
    Apex Legends Apex Legends
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    Inhumane E-Sports


    A small time Esports team, we do coaching and play ranked. Mainly just for fun and stuff like that, to get RP up, and to grind kills possibly. Any members would be nice, but we'd appreciate Gold level players or higher. Might play with you guys to test the waters and please do not be offended if someone doesn't want to play with you, everyone has different skill levels and some may not want to carry you. We ask everyone to be respectful and not bring arguements into the Discord. So please, join if you want some coaching or a squad to play with. The more the merrier.

    16 Members

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    D1zyee's Community
    Apex Legends Apex Legends
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    D1zyee's Community


    Welcome to D1zyee's Community! This is your place to connect with and learn from D1zyee and like-minded peers. Share opinions, insights, and tips

    1 Member
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    Improvement Hub
    1 Paid Tier
    Apex Legends Apex Legends
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    Improvement Hub


    Looking for a place with others that want to improve just as much as you?

    10 Members
    2 Sessions
    1 Guide

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    Inhumane E-Sports
    Apex Legends Apex Legends
    Inhumane E-Sports logo

    Inhumane E-Sports


    A small time Esports team, we do coaching and play ranked. Mainly just for fun and stuff like that, to get RP up, and to grind kills possibly. Any members would be nice, but we'd appreciate Gold level players or higher. Might play with you guys to test the waters and please do not be offended if someone doesn't want to play with you, everyone has different skill levels and some may not want to carry you. We ask everyone to be respectful and not bring arguements into the Discord. So please, join if you want some coaching or a squad to play with. The more the merrier.

    16 Members

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