Splatoon 3

iCarlyGod Land

I coach Splatoon. I played it a lot. I watched it a lot. I played a lot of weapons really well, or at least I think I do. I don't charge much, or at least I don't think I do. I just want to talk about the game.

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Splatoon 3 Splatoon 3

Live Gameplay Review (Individual)

My review over one match of Splatoon focusing on one individual's play. I have a capture card, so providing either a replay code or a VOD works. Session length can vary, but will be around 30 minutes for a 5-minute game. Session will be held over Discord.

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30 minutes
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Splatoon 3 Splatoon 3

Watch over a scrim

Exactly as title suggests. Will try to provide guidance between games. There might be a post-scrim VOD review afterwards to point out things I couldn't go over between matches.

1 Session
1.5 hours
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Splatoon 3 Splatoon 3

Free-form Discussion (Long)

This is if you want to talk about something instead of looking at a game. This is mostly for those that want coaching on mentality, team comps, meta, countering certain weapons, or other things that can't quite be broken down just from reviewing a match.

1 Session
1 hour
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About me

Just looking to practice analyzing and coaching.

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