In a sentence I'm your friend to share exploration with. I've been at this for five years. A stumble creating pros, helping rank 1 players dominate, and strengthening a beautiful sea of richly unique individuals across various games and activities. Even IRL. Together amidst fogginess and rush we take time to distinguish and befriend clues -strengthening contact with your difficulty. Mood down in your favorite game? Feeling your skill plateau? Let's go there. This coaching originates in Apex-having competed through the highest level tournaments on all roles since launch. Your feedback graces this venture for it to continue beyond the game. Always open for adapting to unique circumstance. Blast right through your obstacles-transmuting them by accident honestly. Sessions often get personal. We'll have fun exploring abstract to analytical perspectives. Anything to find and get your 240p to 4k. I see you there having no fun doing your favorite things. What's going on? Check my YouTube to enjoy the history and find helpful videos including full sessions and mental tips.
like fortnite
Unreal Fortnite player, IGL Improving as a Coach
4 Years of Competitive Experience , Specialized and Focused on Tournaments/Scrims.
I played fortnite for 4,167 hours, still going up. Just by 1v1ing i can tell you what you're doing wrong or right, what needs to be improved, etc. I will also check up on you to see if you're actually doing good, and getting better. I will also check your gameplay, everything will be put under one session.