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    Tier 1 - Deck List Access

    $5 / month

    You will get access to all of my competitive deck lists, have the opportunity to discuss and ask questions about them, as well as ask me about anything related to the Pokemon TCG.

    • Deck Lists
    • AMA (ask me anything)
    • Exclusive access to 3 channels and 12 posts

    Recommended tier

    Tier 2 - Matchup & Meta Breakdown Videos

    $10 / month

    Gain access to matchup breakdown videos for every deck list share in the group, as well as meta breakdown videos. Meta breakdown videos will be released roughly every 2-3 weeks, depending on the meta.

    • Matchup breakdown videos
    • Meta breakdown videos
    • All benefits from lower tiers
    • Exclusive access to 5 channels and 16 posts

    Tier 3 - Deck Doctor

    $30 / month

    You can send me a decklist once a month. I will play with it and make changes live on my stream. You can watch the stream live or the VOD afterward to see my improvement process.

    • Monthly deck list critique/review
    • All benefits from lower tiers
    • Exclusive access to 6 channels and 18 posts

    Tier 4 - Gameplay Review

    $50 / month

    You can send me recorded gameplay once a month, and I will review it, pointing out any mistakes I think you made and giving guidance on what you should be thinking about from turn to turn throughout the game.

    • Monthly gameplay review
    • All benefits from lower tiers
    • Exclusive access to 7 channels and 20 posts

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