If I ever helped you from Twitter or Metafy content, this tier is just to support me. As a benefit, you will have access to a premium channel to ask me any questions.
Exclusive benefits
Get access to the Q&A clips, and other exclusive post. At least one post per month, and you will get all other posts from previous months as well! Access to the pro league match analysis with Kaosx, once a month. 5% discount of all sessions and training plans, unlimited!
Exclusive benefits
Everything from previous + four times more posts than from the Gold tier. You will get recorded versions of the pro league replays, in case you miss them + you will get recording of the past group sessions we had! Unlimited 10% discount code for the entire month, for all sessions and training plans
Exclusive benefits
Recommended tier
Previous + group session with me where you can ask ANY questions (IGL, soloQ, how to get control of Library on Chalet, ...), bring a round for me to review, etc. You will get recording and you will have access to the previous group sessions as well. + round breakdown, you will end up with a lot of notes and most importantly TWO goals. This is extremely good to see and measure your skills from previous replays. You will also be able to see other player's breakdown. + decide which map to watch in the pro league watch party
Exclusive benefits
Previous + PRO WORKSHOP. I will be giving tasks, and you with the help of a PRO player will try to answer it as consistent as possible. Later on, I will give you my thoughts. Spots are limited in workshop. This will happen in October, but for September, we have a PRO player Q&A + twice a month you can send ANY round for me to break down. + R6 cup content (Ubisoft's new competitive 5v5 game mode)
Exclusive benefits