Welcome to another Hearthstone Course guys! This one is going to be a bit broader, but I’m sure you will learn a lot from it. Here, we will talk about all of the important things you need to do and need to think before, during and after playing hearthstone. I’m going to do my best to help you start thinking like a pro, so you can make better decisions and build a strong foundation on which you can rely, when playing the game. Some of the tips are more advanced than others, but they will all be helpful for most.
Hearthstone Trading Master ClassIn this lesson, we will concentrate on the fundamentals of Trading in Hearthstone, when should you do it, why you should do it and if you should do it at all and by the end of this lesson, you will have a much better understanding on trading, so you know why you are doing the things you are doing.
Hearthstone Positioning MasterclassPositioning in Hearthstone is a very overlooked aspect, despite it being very important, especially in certain matchups. I’ve seen plenty of my students misplay when it comes down to positioning and I’ve even seen pros sleep on certain positionings that can cost them either small advantages or even the entire game. In this course, we will concentrate on Positioning in Hearthstone, how to position against the opponent, how to position for your own benefits and anything in between. This will be the most in depth work there is on this matter, and by the end of this course, you will know exactly how to position to maximize your benefits and play around the opponent’s threats.