In this masterclass, we’ll cover everything from deck construction to advanced combo lines. Whether you’re a beginner looking to get started or a seasoned duelist ready to take your skills to the next level, this is the guide for you.
YUBEL MASTER CLASS w/ N3sh & RubenIn this Masterclass, you will receive a 2 hour presentation recording, a yubel spreadsheet, all potential decklists and side patterns to help you succeed at your next tournament.
2hrs 7m
BRANDED MASTERCLASSYu-Gi-Oh! Masterclass: Elevate Your Branded Combos
From mastering the basics to unlocking advanced combos, Yu-Gi-Oh! Branded masterclass provides everything you need to elevate your skills and become a formidable branded duelist. Join us now, and let’s take your game to the next level!
I enlisted the help of branded experts such as N3sh, Pier, and Zanna, my branded teachers to get me to where I am today.
CENTURION MASTERCLASSLearn sequencing, combos and side deck pattern tips in this Centurion masterclass from Pak who went 10-0 at YCS Niagara. Additionally, learn why Pak decided to play this deck for the first event of ROTA and how he succeed.