Mastering Mono-Red Aggro: Sideboard Guide and Matchup Breakdown In this guide, I break down the sideboard plan for every key matchup along with giving explanations for why the changes are being made that I used to top 8 Pro Tour Aetherdrift Will update with video explanations at a later date
Published February 26, 2025
11 chapters 14m of Content
81 students already sharpening their skills

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Chapter overview

Chapter 1
Gruul Aggro Gameplan
Chapter 2
Video on Gruul Aggro Gameplan
Chapter 3
Mono-Red Aggro Mirror Match Gameplay
Chapter 4
Esper Pixie Gameplan
Chapter 5
Video on Esper Pixie Gameplan
Chapter 6
Dimir Bounce Gameplan
Chapter 7
Domain Gameplan
Chapter 8
Jeskai Abhorrent Oculus Gameplan
Chapter 9
Azorius Abhorrent Oculus Gameplan
Chapter 10
Jeskai Convoke Gameplan

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