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JDRR's Flower Farm
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JDRR's Flower Farm


Welcome everyone to the Flower Farm! The best community in all of Lorcana

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s4iler's crew
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Best group to chat and follow R/B's last innovation with the creator of Sisu on ice.

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Week 1 Guide to Archazia's Island
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Week 1 Guide to Archazia's Island

Lorcana TCG

Mar 01
Week 1 Guide to Archazia's Island
We sailed the Azurite Sea in search of Archazia’s Island. And like any island, the first thing we need to do is explore! In this live coaching session, Dan and Nunez will address any and all concerns regarding the Week 1 release of Archazia's Island. David Nunez is unbeatable in Sealed competitions, and he takes pride in being one of the best at both Sealed and Draft formats. He’ll be breaking down the dos and don'ts of the format to ensure you’re in the best position to succeed during your Release event weekends! Dan, on the other hand, will help solve your early meta-game challenges! He’ll guide you through the decks to consider for Week 1, which cards you must have on your radar, and even offer tips on how to succeed on a budget or with limited access to cards. Anyone who attends will receive a discount code for 100% off any of our guides on the channel, or a way to join the Support tier for the first month for free!
Mar 01 at 1:30 AM
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1hr 33m
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Dinh a little Lore - currently Set 6

1st Place DLC Melbourne - Dinh a little Lore Welcome to my guide of my new beloved deck! 8 uninks, high consistency, no bad MUs? Sounds like a dream! Delve deep into my mind and how to run this beautiful deck! This guide will be updated with many hours of commentated gameplay! Stay tuned for the updates! Set 7 updates guaranteed!

Phameʼs avatar
Lorcana TCG Lorcana TCG
Set 6 UPDATED - Ruby Sapphire MASTERCLASS 2.5 HOUR UPDATE FOR SET 6! This is the VOD of the Ruby Masterclass! Everything is in videos! How did I master Ruby Sapphire so fast and achieved multiple Day 2s at DLCs? Join my masterclass to learn what I know! - Core Mechanics - Theory - Deckbuilding - Matchups - Mulligan - Inking - Q&A
7hrs 20m
Zan Syedʼs avatar
Zan Syed
Emerald Steel Discard Guide - Set 6
Lorcana TCG Lorcana TCG
Emerald Steel Discard Guide - Set 6 A guide to my Emerald Steel Discard deck, which got me 3rd place at NA continentals. A detailed video breakdown of the deck by matchups.
Edʼs avatar
Metagaming Set 6 Ruby Amethyst Deck Guide
Lorcana TCG Lorcana TCG
Metagaming Set 6 Ruby Amethyst Deck Guide In this guide, we will go over my winning Continental list as well as how to modify Ruby Amethyst to combat your local metagame!
LamChopssʼs avatar
Lorcana TCG Lorcana TCG
Ship Log: AZURITE SEAS A log of deckbuilding and game theories used in creation of the perfect Azurite Seas Blue Steel. This ship log, written by CaptainKangaroo (LamChopss), tells the tail of discovering Golden Mickey #190. Give it a read, and maybe you will find your own!
Pandoʼs avatar
A Song of Amber and Steel
Lorcana TCG Lorcana TCG
A Song of Amber and Steel Hi I'm Shawn, and I've put together this guide to act as a resource to support players of all skill levels in their journey to learn the Steel Song archetype. It is aimed to provide players a solid foundation and understanding of the deck for current meta (Set 6), and future metas. I offer insight as the only player to have placed Top 8 at the Disney Lorcana - North American Continental Championships with traditional Steel Song list. My current intent is to keep it updated throughout future sets as needed.
Zan Syedʼs avatar
Zan Syed
Amethyst Steel  - Gameplay Guide
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Amethyst Steel - Gameplay Guide New tech for the Ruby Sapphire meta! Gameplay guide where we break down the secret tech and how to play the matchup!
1hr 6m

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