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Where top One Piece Players are born. Joining Impact’s Dojo will grant you access to a growing community and begin your competitive journey.

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YonasOPTCG's Community
3 Paid Tiers
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YonasOPTCG's Community


Welcome to YonasOPTCG's Community! This community is for One Piece Card Game players who are looking to get better at the game to do better at Regionals, Treasure Cups, Nationals, or even their local tournaments.

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Caliber Team (CrossAi & ikailakai)
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Caliber Team (CrossAi & ikailakai)


Invest for your One Piece tournaments or improve for the love of the game. This is the place for informative content! This game pays out, so if you are improving, you'll get your money back & more

645 Members
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Elevate OPTCG
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Elevate OPTCG

Elevate TCG

The one-stop for One Piece TCG Players

272 Members
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Understanding Blackbeard Nuance in OP10
33 tickets left
Understanding Blackbeard Nuance in OP10

One Piece Card Game

Mar 20
Understanding Blackbeard Nuance in OP10
Right before the launch of OP10 in the west. We will be having a Masterclass on the fundamentals of playing Blackbeard. Lessons learned in OP09 and how the new cards impact the deck. We will also touch on the new metagame threats. What turns we should be trying to leader skill and which effects we are trying to play around when using this deck. We will also touch up on how to use a deck with this many searches tricks for remembering where your cards are in your deck.
Mar 20 at 2:00 AM
Mastering G/Y Law with JellybeansOP
34 tickets left
Mastering G/Y Law with JellybeansOP

One Piece Card Game

Mar 18
Mastering G/Y Law with JellybeansOP
Unlock the potential of the G/Y Law deck with Mastering G/Y Law with JellybeansOP! This Masterclass is designed for players who want to harness the power of one of the most dynamic and rogue decks in the game. With the right strategies and careful deck management, G/Y Law can be a highly effective deck to outplay opponents and secure wins in competitive play. By the end of this course, you’ll have a deep understanding of how to play G/Y Law to its full potential, using its flexibility and unpredictability to outwit and outplay your opponents.
Mar 18 at 5:00 PM
Mastering Shanks with Impact
Mastering Shanks with Impact

One Piece Card Game

Mastering Shanks with Impact
Learn how to master the Shanks deck. The control deck that is secretly an aggro deck! We will go over the ins and outs of Shanks, how it plans on winning and how to get those extra percentage points playing this powerful leader.
Event Recording
1hr 30m
3hrs 31m
One Piece Card Game

Mastering Doflamingo - A Deep Dive with Impact

A 3 and a half hour PowerPoint presentation with Q&A explaining the early, mid, late game goals of Doflamingo and the matchups. Learn the combos, the tricks and the best ways to gain advantage out of the deck.

CrossAiʼs avatar
National Winner Guide to BY Luffy COMPLETE
One Piece Card Game One Piece Card Game
National Winner Guide to BY Luffy COMPLETE National winners guide to BY Luffy! Explaining why I picked this deck for nationals, it's position in the meta, the various card choices available, and the PLuffy & Doflamingo matchups! (the other matchups will come out in the next update)
1hr 46m
Supernovasʼs avatar
Bonney Op010 Guide By Dylan Zayas
One Piece Card Game One Piece Card Game
Bonney Op010 Guide By Dylan Zayas This guide is created for all the Bonney players that are excited for the new Op010 format. There is not much Bonney content out there to see and learn from, so I wanted to create this guide in hopes of preparing every Bonney player for the new format that is coming in the form of Op010, and hoping this information that I am giving you elevates you to be the best Bonney player you can be, or at least put you on the right track. It will include info on the leader and why play this leader, what the cards do and why play them, or consider them (techs) , gameplan, lists, matchups, and many more. I know you all are excited as much as me for this new Bonney era, and have been waiting for this guide for a long time. I have taken many hours of my day creating it with much love, taking many wins, and as many losses, learning everything I can, seeing and playing every scenario I can think of in every matchup possible so that I do not leave any stones unturned. Hope you enjoy this guide, that the knowledge I am giving helps you understand the deck on a deeper level than ever before, and get 1000x its value in return.
1hr 51m
reneneneʼs avatar
Mastering Reiju in OP09 & 10!
One Piece Card Game One Piece Card Game
Mastering Reiju in OP09 & 10! In 14000 words I'll show you what peak One Piece looks like! 🔵🟣 We will be going over all the core cards as well as tech cards, decklists, gameplan, common mistakes, tricks & matchups for OP09 & OP10! Blue Doflamingo, Purple Luffy, Shanks & RP Luffy, BY Luffy, Lucci & other Black Decks(ST14, Smoker), Teach, Bonney, Enel, Usopp, GY Law & RG Smoker, Yellow Kid Ranked Adventure is a series where I'll tell you about rouge decks that I've encountered in Ranked that my not define the meta, but are interesting enough to talk about. Including a small preview for EB02 Luffy!
1hr 12m
CrossAiʼs avatar
OP09 Blackbeard/Teach Comprehensive Guide: The One Piece Floodgate Deck ft. Canned Soup
One Piece Card Game One Piece Card Game
OP09 Blackbeard/Teach Comprehensive Guide: The One Piece Floodgate Deck ft. Canned Soup Blackbeard is One Piece's first floodgate deck! It is quite difficult to play, so this guide we'll be going over the full deck.
Elevate TCGʼs avatar
Elevate TCG
THE Blue Doflamingo Guide
One Piece Card Game One Piece Card Game
THE Blue Doflamingo Guide In this course, we will be taking a deep dive into the Blue Doflamingo deck updated for the OP10 Metagame!
1hr 31m
JellybeansOPʼs avatar
B/Y Luffy MASTERCLASS by JellybeansOP
One Piece Card Game One Piece Card Game
B/Y Luffy MASTERCLASS by JellybeansOP This course will give you access to all of my B/Y Luffy class recordings & relevant materials. There is over 3 hours of my thoughts placed into how to master B/Y Luffy, how to play against the top decks of the meta and me answering various questions in the class. Will be patching up OP09 BY Luffy in the next week or so, dedicated to constantly updating this course so do stay tuned!
4hrs 3m

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