My Reviews: _____________________________________________________________________ Hello! My name is Gefest, I am an Overwatch/Marvel Rivals coach and a top-tier Overwatch/ Marvel Rivals player. I started playing since Overwatch 1 beta and have been top 500/GM constantly since 2016. My peak is 4528 sr (OW1) and ranked among the top 0,1% in Marvel Rivals. I have over 10 000 hours of coaching experience for players and teams of all skill levels (from bronze to top 500) Listen to this podcast, if you wanna know more about my journey as a coach, how I work with students, what motivates me and more: How can I help you? I will find out what exactly is holding you back and how to get rid of it! I will not just tell you what you are doing wrong, but clearly explain how the game truly works and present aspects of the game you struggle with! I will show you what you should be focusing on, so you can WIN your games not depending on how bad your team is! After our session, you will clearly see how you can carry your team on your hero and climb the ladder! Every student is valuable to me, so you can be sure that I will always help, answer any questions, give specific personalized follow-ups after our session and even design a specific plan for YOUR OWN training! You can get a completely free 30 min consultation + Taster session: A session might include topics such as: - positioning - game sense and decisions - timing - map control, creating space/ controlling space - power positions - ult usage, ult economy - ult prediction - engagement flow - target priority - team comps and matchups - resources management - communication - awareness - tempo, momentum, snowballing - ability usage - execution - shot-calling - aiming styles - mechanical basics - movement - warm-up - practice - consistency - mindset/ mental aspects - confidence - effective self-improvement Also, we will talk about such things as how to avoid autopilot, not tilt during the game, advanced tips, tricks and tactics, and much, much more! During our session, you can ask me any questions! - Example of what my session looks like: - Second YT channel with full coaching VODs: Why should you choose me? So, would you like to climb the ladder, finally see the results, and get a higher rank? If your answer is yes, then you definitely should choose me as your coach! I have devoted 8 years to hone my skills. I helped hundreds of players to achieve their goals, some of my students even managed to climb from bronze all the way to top 500. You will get the knowledge which will help to get your gameplay on a completely new level and most importantly show you how to improve by yourself! Looking forward to working with you! :) This is my Discord server, where you can check out the progress of my students and get some free help/ ask questions about Overwatch: I'm available almost every day starting at 3 AM est till 9 PM est! If you are looking for a specific time, but it is not available on the website, then msg me and I will see, if I can open a specific time slot for you. Feel free to DM me and ask any questions! My Discord tag: gefestz
Hello, I'm Mikaël 'Hidan', 32 years old, and I do coach full-time since 2019. Former TF2 & OW Pro player. Currently Coach on Marvel Rivals (TOP 12 MRC Season 0 Tournament). 🏃 I played formerly as a pro player with Misfits, Luminosity Gaming, Renegades, Skyfoxes, HSL esports, and Second Wind. I competed in 3 seasons of Contenders (EU/NA) and I won 2 Major LAN events : 🏆 E-LEAGUE Overwatch Open $300,000 🏆 DreamHack Winter $50,000 👨🏫 Regarding my coaching experience, I have more than 5000 hours of experience coaching players and teams at any level (Bronze to Top500 players and Contenders Team). 👨🎓 My biggest achievements as a coach: - I helped a student climb from Gold to GM in less than a month, - I coached a team qualifying into the Contenders NA, - I mentored a Collegiate eSport team that was awarded a scholarship. ⭐ As a pro player and an experienced coach, I'm here to share my knowledge of Overwatch with you. I won't only teach mechanical skills. I come up with a comprehensive picture that will be helpful for you to become a better Overwatch player and even a better decision-maker! 💪 This is ideal for players and teams who are ready to take their skills and understanding of the game to a new level. The truth is that when people decide to call on a personal or professional coach, it is above all to obtain results. I totally get that in mind as I'm offering you personalized coaching. Don't feel stuck anymore! Join me now on this adventure and I can't wait to get started with you!
Hey, my name is A10 and I'm a former professional Overwatch player. I've been doing Coaching for the past few years as I have found a passion for helping others excel at improving. I am a consistent Top 10 Player in Overwatch, in my professional career I have made Top 6 in Overwatch World Cup 2019, played in contenders and in the last ever season of Overwatch 1 I ended Rank 2 and 6. There is so much more I could go over what I've accomplished but you can trust me, I know what it takes to win. I will use these strengths and combine them with my skills of teaching to save you the most amount of time that you could, I understand exactly what it takes to win and improve and I know how to get you to the place you want to be at. I have already helped countless students reach their goals and exceed them. I am very passionate about teaching and the students I coach. I'm also a friendly person, so whether you're a beginner, a regular, or an aspiring pro, I'll treat you with respect. Coaching Reviews from past students here: I record every session and will send it to you afterwards so you can watch back and review, as well as adding it to my Patreon (or potentially as YouTube content). If you do not wish for our session to be shared please let me know.
Hello, I'm Jon. I was a professional Overwatch coach for a long time, now retired but still invested in the game. Most recently, I worked in the European professional scene currently with Young and Beautiful, but some of my previous teams include: Cloud 9's academy team British Hurricane, Team Doge, Triumph, and NYXL's academy team, XL2. With these teams, I have had multiple high placing finishes in multiple seasons of Contenders across EU, NA, and SA regions. I have also seen many of my players get promoted from Contenders to OWL while previously under my tutelage. My coaching is not exclusive to those who are looking to go pro, however, as I am experienced at working with players anywhere from Bronze to OWL level. Lessons are optimized in order to give you things to work on, regardless of what your end goal is. My strength is giving tangible information instead of vague nuances about improvement. Whether you're a team that's looking to get ahead of the competition or a player that just wants to promote to the next level, I'll provide you what you need. I hope you consider working with me as your coach.
Hey guys, I'm Karin - a certified life coach & esports mental & high performance mastery coach. I've worked with teams from orgs such as Team Liquid, LG, TSM, Team Vitality, CASE, FOKUS, as well as players & coaches from NRG, FaZe Clan & OXG, among many many others, in multiple games. I believe in putting Mental & High Performance Coaching at the forefront of esports. I provide personally tailored 1on1/group mental performance coaching sessions, as well as workshops/courses/bootcamps - for players, staff, universities & Orgs. Individually I work with you on everything from tilt, choking & confidence to skill improvement, IGLing & mastering your in-game role. We talk about whatever's on your mind & clear out the obstacles in your way so you can play at your best consistently - using focus exercises, emotional therapy, meditations, mental conditioning tools & more. Collectively I provide team sessions to set a vision & goals, air out team conflicts, perfect team dynamics, pre/post match talks, player/staff/team analysis, bootcamps, scouting & more. Feel our best = Perform our best. Take your game to the next level & achieve peak performance.
5 years of experience coaching at the highest level, including multiple top 2 finishes across many metas, coaching the worlds most elite players. In 2022 I was voted coach of the year from the OWL, making me the most decorated coach on the platform. If you are an individual looking to improve, or a team looking to make improvements to a certain style or comp, I’m sure I can help!
Ex Overwatch League Pro previously played on SFShock, Immortals and Splyce. Head Coach of Team Mexico for the Overwatch World cup 2023 - Coaching at every level and platform. Liquipedia:
Hey, My name is Ben “Thor” Richter, Owner of the Overwatch Contenders EU Team Sheer Cold and Headcoach of Team Germany for the 2023 World Cup. I've accumulated over a thousand hours of private vod reviews, coached multiple professional players and creating a professional working environments for Overwatch Teams. As an experienced coach, I'm here to share my knowledge of Overwatch with you. I won't only teach mechanical skills. I come up with a comprehensive picture that will be helpful for you to become a better decision maker and a better Overwatch player! ✨This coaching sessions are perfect for players that want to know the most efficient way to improve in the game!✨ But why choose me? Ask my students! To date, I have over 50 testimonials both on Metafy, Gamersensei and Proguides. Overall, the students appreciate how I design sessions and provide tons of value with in-depth lessons/training plans. What I am giving you is planned work throughout lessons or/and training. For this reason, I provide most students with their own customized practice plans to improve as efficient as possible. Check out reviews about my work, if you have any concerns: Here you can watch an example of how a session would be like: If you are interested in playing the game as a structured team, check out my Overwatch Macro Fundamentals guide: 🌟 I'm here to help you to reach your maximum potential in Overwatch. 🌟
My name is KINRYUU, I've consistently hit top ranks in multiple FPS games, and I now specialize in coaching the melee/shield tank class. I've mastered the art of defeating any opponent with superior strategy and inferior weaponry. I've been a mentor and team captain for multiple teams and groups since I was 18. I'm 24 years old now and I've been one-tricking melee/shield operators since 2019, after one-tricking the big iron (revolvers only) since I started playing FPS games at 12 years old. I have experience using every weapon possible, which is why I now enjoy melee-only. I am certain I can help you drastically increase your ranked record.
I can make you good | Coach for Sakura
Heyhey, I'm Aspen aka Thembo, I've previously coached Contenders teams like Shikigami, Quick Esports/Deimpero, !play, Bubble Blowers. Nowadays just focused on collegiate. I'll make you better. If you don't understand why what you're doing isn't working, or need to develop your understanding of how teamplay works, I will develop you into a player that will make others think they need coaching.
Hey, my names Blu and I coach alongside my friend WeepingAngel, here’s a little about us! We are both former Top500/Grandmaster Tank players. Blu is Rank 39 and 55 peak Zarya player and a full-time college student as for WeepingAngel is a Grandmaster Junkerqueen player and a full-time college student too. We have been coaching for 9 years combined while coaching ranks from bronze all the way to grandmaster. We coach all roles and all hero's (but mercy). This is little about us: We strive to give you the best of the best, We’ve personally gone from the bottom of the barrel in Overwatch 1 to Grandmaster in the later stages of Overwatch 1 and now We’ve consistently hit Grandmaster in Overwatch 2! We are doing the absolute best to give you the most satisfying and high quality coaching that we possibly could give you no matter the rank, and we accept anybody no matter who you are into my community with open arms and respect!