
Peach Deconstructed - Melee
The ultimate community for mastering Melee Peach.

Pikachu Deconstructed - Melee
The ultimate community for mastering Melee Pikachu.

Peach Deconstructed #1
Welcome to the ultimate Peach Group. Collaborate with other players to improve your game. Become a Supporter to access Armada's extensive Peach Guide.

Falco Deconstructed - Melee
The ultimate community for mastering Melee Falco.

Ranked #1 coach on Metafy. I strongly believe I am the best coach in Smash by a solid margin. For some examples of now-top-players who I've previously coached to help them make SUBSTANTIAL improvements: -MkLeo (#1 Ultimate player who I've helped substantially starting 2016+, got him signed as MVG EchoFox in late 2016, months before leading up to Genesis 4/5/6 and Evo 2019 which he's champion of each), Tweet example of Evo 2019 coaching: and then another example is where I helped MkLeo go from losing 0-3 to Ken, to winning 3-2 to 3-0 in this video and this tweet following - , -Armada (since 2011+ we've talked a lot to help each other out competitively, he was #1 Melee player and was my Melee teammate for years, Evo 2015/2017 champ, debated as GOAT of Melee alongside Mango), -Sparg0 (since 2020+, he's #3 Ultimate player at the moment), Tweet example of a Metafy session he had with me - , and , Sparg0 also just won SUPERNOVA 2024 and shouted me out on the Grand Finals interview on Youtube, see the very end of this video for Sparg0's interview where he mentions how what I taught him was really good AND worked: -ZeRo (since 2011+ I've helped him substantially, starting in Brawl but also in Melee/PM/Smash4, he was/became the #1 Smash4 player, Evo 2015 champ, plays many games at top level which I've done much to help him with), -Wizzrobe (since 2016+, he's top Melee player, #1 Melee Falcon, plays many games at top level which I've done much to help him with, was my training partner often 2016+), for Tweet example. -Salem (since 2011+, he's Apex 2013 and Evo 2017 champ, was my training partner often 2016+ leading up to Evo 2017 for Smash4 as well as leading up to Apex 2013 in Brawl) -Hungrybox: he just 3-0d a ton of people when I coached him, and also almost won Collision earlier in 2024 I have been helping many people (the above is a small list of some of the greats) on a large scale for a very long time now (over a decade), but now I'm finally taking this as a serious job to help others improve as well. If you desire to be as great as possible, I can *definitely* help you get there. In my honest personal opinion (as well as the feedback I've gotten from a LOT of people), I'm the best and most knowledgable person to help people improve at Smash (of any skill level), whether it's to book direct coaching with me, talk with me, or simply to train with/against me (I will beat the bad habits out of you and force you to create good habits, usually telling you why certain things are bad or good, and how to improve them). I am extremely experienced in this, and I haven't had an unhappy customer yet with Metafy sessions of any kind as far as I'm aware of, and I've done close to a thousand sessions by now. I also recently added a cheaper VoD review (Replay Review) option as well, which I am very experienced at, and can be done at any convenient time (for both of us), so consider this option as well if you'd like your footage analyzed and I can tell you exactly what to improve and explain why, with timestamps included. This can be a very efficient option which I strongly recommend, both for overall improvement, written down and saved to easily remember, and if you're looking to see what you're doing wrong against specific players that can also be very useful (just specify in the timestamps). I love teaching people, training with people, and just playing fun games in general (which is why I added a Hangout option so you can play with me in pretty much any game if you'd like, even with your friends!). You can support me while also simultaneously massively improving yourself in Smash (or other games) at the same time with these, so Metafy is honestly my favorite thing in past several months, and is the main thing I do throughout 2021. I strongly recommend booking with me at least once if you want to improve as a competitive player, as this is most likely much better than whatever you're currently expecting. I am very straightforward and I will tell you how I think things are and the logic behind why for each thing you might ask of. Most tournament results in Esports - Multiple time Melee and Brawl world champion. Was #1 at Melee, Brawl, and Project M at different points in time. 3-0d Mango/Armada/Leffen/Hungrybox/ZeRo the same year. Can play/teach pretty much every character in Melee/Ultimate/Nickelodeon well. Twitch partner. Twitter verified. Nintendo Brand Ambassador. Co-owner of MVG League. a total nerd lol

Hey! My name is Cody Schwab and I'm a professional SSBM player. I've been doing lessons for a couple years and am currently the #1 ranked player worldwide. I try my best to cater lessons to each individual person, and am open to pretty much any form of coaching.

Melee coach first, top player second. I coached myself into becoming the #10 player in the world, and I want to help you figure out your own path towards reaching your goals. I play many characters at a top level and put a focus on giving holistic advice that goes beyond "you should have done X in this spot". We'll create gameplans and practice routines that are specifically made to help you. I've worked with children, and I am good at answering hard and "easy" questions alike - beginners and top level players are all welcome.

Heyo, I'm Dave, or Slowking, whatever you prefer! I've been playing Melee competitively since early 2015, and have been ranked #1 in Iowa as of late 2018, and was first globally ranked in 2023 at #90 on the top 100 ranking. I specialize in all things Falco, but I have helped players of all characters with matchup and gameplay improvements, tournament mentality improvement, VOD analysis, and anything how to beat Falco, as well. I've been coaching on Metafy since 2021 and have helped players of a variety of characters in all aspects of play. Photo credits for PFP go to @GDubs__

Thank you for checking out my page. I am Zhyrri, I am a Mewtwo and Fleet main who is enthusiastic about psychology and mentality and am passionate about helping people overcome their personal barriers to help them be able to achieve a higher sense of self. As someone who as struggled with depression, I have come to understand how discouraging and draining negative self talk and beliefs of the self can distract from competing at a energetic and comfortable level, and in understanding my personal history, have come to appreciate how much overcoming these barriers can help play with clear mind which made the decision making process in gaming effortless and engaging, and with this experience, I am to help others understand how to play the game to their authentic and focused selves to be able to reach a higher potential in the game. Meditation is the act of controlling ones thoughts to be able to redirect a busy and distracted mind into the desired task by training the habit of getting a wandering mind that is distracted by an incoming thought such as, the fear of losing, being worried about the opponents skill, or questioning your desired actions, by conditioning the brain to then redirect it back into the match which gives the benefit of being able to totally focus on the opponent, what they are doing, and how counter it relying on a relaxed mindset naturally focused on one goal rather than a stressed mindset focused on shutting distractions out. And in being able to understand the fears, desires, and thought patters of a player, they can understand how to better utilize their natural talents and thought processes to achieve their goals in game with a positive mindset and energy levels which help reduce fatigue and maintain a composed temperament, even in the face of difficult situations. I also can teach how to play any character and how to refine their game play to be able to understand their tool kit to be able to counter the opponents options and effectively maximize his punish and neutral game by being able to understand the full extent of their strengths and weaknesses and tech to utilize them at a higher potential. Through discussion of each characters unique and complex style and move set, I can help develop a critical thought process to be able to fully understand how to play with and against the opponents play style rather than simply trying to push forward your own which can help boost ones thoughtfulness in game. My coaching style is to start a session with a check in to see how the student is doing, figure out what they would like to focus on for the session, and then engage with a video review, watching them play against others, running drills for a situation, or having a training session with the option of having me focus on a particular strategy, such as camping or tech chasing to help you improve on various areas regarding game play decisions, tech, and mental barriers. I am comfortable helping anyone at any skill level. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me on Metafy chat or message me on my personal discord. Learning how to master this game and this character has given me valuable lessons in personal development such as learning how to handle losses more respectably and understanding how to overcome my own weaknesses which has helped give me the ability to navigate difficult situations in life with confidence. Platfighters and their communities have transformed my life and I hope it transforms yours, best of luck to you.

The name's Jason, Just Jason. I've been around a while. I am an NYC local at some points a TO and a long time player, I know a lot about this game and it's scene. ANYWAYS, lets get to what we are here for, how can I help you get better at melee? Who am I to teach you anything??? Well, I've never been one to travel, and thus never really got my name out there, but I have always done my own personal training and played in region, adapting to the meta and keeping up. I bolster a long history of results, consistently toppling top 20 players upon occurence of combat and having even taken down a top 5 player (Cody Schwab) when he was ranked within the top 5. Having beaten tons of top level players and even taking some tournaments off them over the years here is just a couple of my wins on memorable players. Krudo, Ghatzu, colbol, syrox, 2saint, Morsecode,bbb,ginger etc. This long history of solid results besides being a cool rap sheet is mainly to justify why you would come to me for training or inquisition with your hard earned cash. Since I am not a super known commodity and I do this as a hobby and because I love melee I can price it lower than others, which can help out the common everyman, which leads me to my next point. I like to think I represent the common everyman melee player, I never had the money to travel(started at age 3) and never had friends that were top talent. I've always gotten better at most with the small circle of training partners I had and never climbed any social ladders to get here, just a random sheik in the crowd, before netplay even! So because of this I understand what it is like to be lost in a sea of skill ladders, the frustration of going to a weekly every week to be just barely (or destroyed) by your local top players. I was always recognized in my local scene for having gotten good quickly, and while that may have been the case at first it was a long, humbling journey to consistency. It took a long time to develop the mentality to not get lost or frustrated and quit. THE GOOD NEWS is I can teach this! I can attest, thanks to all the years I spent going through it, I can confidently say I can condense this so that you don't have to go through all the same steps. Granted, and I can't emphasize this enough is that it does take hard work. As much as I would love to sell my metafy on the idea that'd I would turn you into a beast in a month, in reality it would be a step by step process that requires patience and hard work. What I can guarantee, is that I can stop your confusion. Giving you a clear path forward, unblurring the game, reducing frustration, instilling confidence. I am not saying you have to come back, and keep spending money, in fact if you ever need anything afterwards I am so grateful I would respond to messages for free anyway. Even if you only bought one lesson, I would give you concrete ideas and strategies on things to work on that once fully pushed and developed would take you to a very high level. As well as mentality advice that will last you an eternity, and works in any game or sport, I am also a skilled pool player. IF YOU READ ALL THAT, thank you so much for considering me. You are directly supporting me and my everyday life. I am in school for IT/Cyber Security right now and any help HELPS A LOT. This can help me enter brackets and simple things like just affording food. Being from the The Bronx NY I always have to travel a solid distance for tournaments, or work even, so everything helps. Thank you.

If you're interested in learning Melee fast, or at the very least a good direction on how to improve, a great way to go about it is having a good teacher! I’m KoDoRiN, a top 20 in the world after my first tournament in late November of 2016. During my 4+ years of playing and improving, I would not be where I am today if I did not learn the appropriate learning tools and guidance from various players better than me. I love helping people learn because I understand their struggle and want them to overcome their problems, and this is my way of giving back to the scene that helped cultivate the player I am today. If you have any kinds of questions, you are always free to DM my twitter and/or join my discord server here: However if you feel like you need more of a push to improve, like a focused hour-long coaching session, then I’m open for that as well! I will list off my qualifications to leave you to decide if this is worth signing up for: -My extensive Patreon Content resume (Given 200+ lessons, feel free to ask for a FREE sample): -Despite my current rank, I strive to always improve. I think about the game a lot. -Took basic pedagogy and sports psychology college courses, as well as referencing supplementary materials, out of my own pure interests for teaching and learning. -I will record and INSTANTLY upload your sessions for you to review. -At the end of our session, I will leave with at least 3 main bullet point reviews on what I think you need to work on. -Sessions do not necessarily have to be just vod reviews or theorycraft. I can also netplay with appropriate drills and am willing to tolerate 100+ ping as long as the connection is stable. -I am generally very patient and sympathetic when it comes to the learning process. I’ve been there before, and I believe you can improve too. All for what I believe is an affordable price per session. Obviously, my greatest expertise is anything involving Marth, but I also believe I have adequate knowledge with all other characters as well. If you think this price is worth it, then feel free to sign up as we coordinate! If I hit a limit or time zones don't work out, DM me on twitter to see if we can still do a lesson anyways! Check out my patreon content here: **If you want to bypass metafy fees, you can sign up my patreon or DM me w/ Paypal / venmo.

Fox Deconstructed (Melee)
From Leffen, top Fox main in Melee and the first player to beat all 5 Smash Gods in tournament play, comes this detailed course on how to master Fox.