


4 followers 1 following

Hi, I'm Toon, Competitive Pokemon Unite Player. Currently playing for Talibobo Believers in EU as attacker, formerly TTV Jungler in 2022 UCS. Also was the substitute player for BlvkHvnd as they won UCS Worlds 2022.

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1 on 1 Vod Review

Reviewing laning phase, rotations, team fights and item loadouts.

1 Session 30 mins
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Chill With ToonSlim

Basically anything you want to do - Talk about the game, play the game, play other games, chill - etc

1 Session 30 mins
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Competitive Team Coaching

Review your teams games to work on laning, shotcalling, rotations and teamfighting.

1 Session 1 hour
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Replay Review

I review your replay in my own time and add notes telling you where you can improve / what to think about during certain parts of the game -- This is not a session where I get on voice with the learner

1 Session 1 hour

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