Sheik Deconstructed -- Full Series VODs
Meet your Community host

About me
Hi! I'm Zaid "Spark" Ali, and I'm currently ranked #22 in the world for SSBM, and #1 in Arizona! I love teaching, and I like to think I'm good at articulating detailed aspects of the game in a way that's easy to understand, no matter which character you play! With Druggedfox lessons being completel...
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Does it matter what character I play?
Nope! Although Sheik is the character I'm most familiar with, my teaching method mostly involves analyzing individual situations, so it applies to Melee as a whole.
I'm fairly new to the game, will lessons still benefit me?
Absolutely! I think that there are many common pitfalls new players run into (not prioritizing practice towards the most relevant factors for improvement, switching characters for short-term gain, etc.), and I think that lessons would greatly help streamline that process.
Do I need to prepare anything for the lesson?
Nope, unless you have any specific questions that need answering! Usually the lesson involves analyzing their own gameplay, so if that's the case, have a .slp replay file (Slippi automatically saves your matches, and you can upload it easily via Discord DM) or youtube/twitch vod link ready. However, we could also just discuss gameplans/practice regimens, analyze a vod of top players instead, or even netplay (if the connection is playable with my fiber in Pakistan, so this is likely restricted to Europe/Asia/Australia).